Phil: cute interruptions

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Phil is doing a live show and his daughter goes in and shows Phil her drawing of a house plant.
D/n = daughters name

Phil's POV
"Hey guys!... Can you hear me? Is it working?" As the comments came in I could see that it was indeed working fine.
"Ok so you can hear me. Hello. How are you guys doing?" I asked to get them going. I saw the people answering and most of them were good.
"Good said Marisa. Tired said Shelly. Starving said Mia." As I read that last one I gave a laugh. More comments came in and they were all about my glasses.
"Yes guys my glasses. As you can see I'm wearing them." I took them off my face and waved them around. "You look cute in your glasses said May." I read. "Why thank you. Actually, I have to go get new ones because I stepped on these and they're in really bad shape now." I explained and gave a frown. As I read the comments coming in I thought of something I did a few days ago.

"Ooh ok guys story time!" I said enthusiastically. "So last.. Let me see, uh Saturday I went to go hang out with Dan and we went to the shopping centre. Dan found this ridiculous black jacket with zippers everywhere. It even had zippers running from under the arms to the wrist, that way, when you open it a flap comes out and it looks like you're a bat or some flying creature of some sort. It was pretty funny and he ended up buying it." I laugh remembering how he looked and shook my head in a 'no' motion.

I saw the comments again and they all said things like 'lol' 'oh Dan' and 'really?!'. I continued talking and said,
" he said its to bring a little of his zip aesthetic back. I simply went along with it." I shrugged and as soon as I finished talking I heard little footsteps running towards where I was with a little voice yelling, "are you done daddy?" She came into the room and saw me with my laptop open. Her mouth made an oval shape and so covered her mouth with her tiny hand, holding in a gasp.

"It's ok d/n, come here." I said and patted the couch so she'd come sit with me. She came over to me and I picked her up and asked, "did you want to show me something kiddo?" She nodded embarrassingly knowing there was a lot of people watching. She then covered her face with her paper and I removed it gently. "It's ok d/n. Look just say hello and they'll be nice and say hi back... Go on say hello d/n." I gave her a little push for encouragement and she waved hello. I saw the comments saying nice things like 'cutie' 'adorable' and 'aww'. Then I saw one comment asking how old she was. "Oh look d/n. Someone asked how old are you. Mind telling them?"
"Hi." She said waiting for a response and when she got none I smiled at her lack of knowledge and told her people wanted to know how old she was.
"I'm this old." She said and put her three little fingers up. She then smiled getting more comfortable with the fact that people were watching.
"Yes you are sweetie. Now what is it you wanted to show me?"
"I made this for you daddy. Look it's the new plant we got yesterday. It's green and poke-y." I laughed at her explanation and admired her work of art. She drew a cactus we just got.
"Ooh, I really like this d/n. Did mummy help you?"
"Noo" she laughed. "I don't need help anymore because I'm a big girl now and I can do big girl things like picking my own colours." She explained and I nodded.
"That's very true. Mind if I show the people watching your art piece?" She shook her head, grabbed the paper and showed it off herself.

"Look d/n. They're all saying lovely things about it. What do say to that?" I asked.
"Thank you people watching." She waved at the screen. I checked the time and before I knew it, almost and hour had passed and I thought I would end it here.
"Well guys, it's time for me to leave now. But it was fun. Promise I'll answer more questions next time. Take care, bye." I waved. "Say bye d/n." She said bye and I covered the camera and logged off.

"Did you like doing the live show d/n?" I asked her.
"Yes, I had fun... Look this much fun." Once she said that I turned around and saw her with open arms extended outwards to the sides. I took the opportunity and grabbed her and then spun her around in circles. She giggled and as I set her down she asked, "Can I be in one of your videos daddy?" I smiled and nodded softly.

Woohoo another story done. I hope all of you are having a lovely day.

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