Phil: meeting the parents

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Prompt: Phil meets your parents for the first time.
The picture above probably has no relevance to the story but he looks so cute there.

You have been so nervous about this day coming for months now. Your parents really wanted to meet Phil, you told him about the situation and he completely agreed with your parents that meeting up would do some good in getting to know each other a lot better. It's not like you had anything against your parents, in fact, you were rather close to them, but the thought of them embarrassing you or saying something they weren't supposed to frightens you a bit.

And so the day approached to go meet up with your parents at their place. You explained to Phil that they have quite a sense of humour and when they joke, it could come off as an insult but that's just a way of showing for much they like you. Throughout the day, everything you remembered about your parents you went and told Phil. All he would do was smile, chuckle and nod.

Dinner time came along; therefore, you and Phil decided to hit the road because your parents lived quite some miles away. On the way over, Phil could sense your nervousness so he grabs a hold of your hand for reassurance and gives you that sweet and loving smile you really like. He told you things would turn out great and if your parents decided they didn't like him, he would explain to them why he is a good candidate to date such a 'lovely lady' like yourself. You laughed at the thought of Phil coming up with this whole idea.

In less than forty-five minutes you arrived and were now standing at the front door of your parents house with a wine in hand. You gave a subtle knock in hopes they didn't answer. In less than five seconds the door was sprung open and there stood your mum receiving both of you. She invited you in and so Phil grabbed your waist and gave you a little push to go inside. You hugged your mum and then your dad. When you turned around you mum was still hugging Phil and soon after your dad extended his arm to shake his hand. You all made your way to the lounge and sat. Your mum was the first one to speak up, " so how have you two been recently?" She asked with a big smile and adoration.
"Good thanks mum." You smiled at her.
"Yeah we've been great." Phil gives his answer as well.
"What is it that you do again Phil?" Your father jumped in and asked him.
"Oh yes, I entertain people on the Internet." Phil responds proudly then realising how he worded that
"Entertainment ey" your dad questions him. "What kind of entertainment exactly"
"Right sorry I should have been more specific." He chuckles, "I make YouTube videos and upload them online for others to see, they can range from humorous ones to advice ones. It all depends really."
"And you get payed for all of this?"
He nods his head, "yes I do sir."
"And how do you expect to support my daughter with this job of yours?"
"Really dad?" You jump in.
"Oh dear cmon it's not an interrogation room. Why don't we talk about something else, yes?" your mum states in attempt to lighten up the mood again.
Phil puts his hand on your leg and continues," oh no that's alright I don't mind answering, actually we are both living off our own money we make separately. When it comes to paying bills and all of that sort, we split it in half, I offer to pay it in full but she insisted in paying her half, I must say, you have raised a very educated young lady. "
"Oh now you're just flattering me. Quit trying to butter up my biscuit." Your dad says laughing. "But I'm glad you both pay your faired share."

Then you all hear a timer go off. Your mum stands up from her seat and goes to the kitchen checking on the oven. Your dad stands up as well, making it over to the kitchen table and taking a seat once again. You look over at Phil and smile. "I like how you took care of the situation love... And how you decided to wear your glasses today, it makes you seem 10x's smarter... And hotter," You say blushing. And you really did think so, you loved when he wore his glasses and did his hair swept back. It just made him look so smart, sophisticated and different. When you think of Phil, words like adorable, sweet and cute come to mind but when in glasses, you just think of Phil looking hot.

You both go into the dining room and have a seat. Your mum had everything else set up on the table and all that was needed was the chicken. You all dived into dinner without a word for a while until your mum spoke up. You really wished she didn't because she said," so guys, when will I be receiving grandchildren?" She said jokingly. That immediately made you choke on what you had inside your mouth and Phil had a look of shock plastered on his face.
"Mum?!" You said while sipping on wine making the food go down your throat smoothly.
"What? It was a simple question." She says it so naturally and casually like if it was absolutely normal to asks us that.
"Yeah but don't ask us that now, we aren't even married yet mum." You then look over to your right and see Phil trying to control his laughter.
"Phil what's your opinion on children?" Your mum asks. You just glare at her and she smiles proudly.
"Oh well," Phil drank some wine to maintain his sanity. "I actually don't mind children at all. Sorry for laughing earlier but you reminded me of my mum, as soon as I started dating y/n she asked me when the wedding would be and when were we thinking of having kids. But honestly I think there is no rush for that right now. I like how our life is, just both of us." He then holds your hand and continues saying, "No distractions of any sort. I love how y/n has a natural attraction for children, the way she holds babies makes me happy. I've thought about it too but I believe I speak for both of us that we've rather wait until we're fully ready." As soon as he finishes that sentence you nod your head in complete agreement.

The rest of the night went rather smoothly. You all finished the wine and talked some more about things going on in your current life and things going on in the world. You said your goodbyes and when trying to go out the door your dad grabbed Phil's shoulder and said,"listen Phil, so far you have my approval, you've passed my test and I'm glad my daughter is dating you and not some crack head off the streets. Welcome the family son." That made your eyes go wide and internally happy. Your mum hugged him goodbye and you both got into the car. As you were buckling up, he said, " it went well don't you think?"
"It surprisingly did. I am so sorry about some of the crazy things that happened tonight though." You smiled yet feeling slightly ashamed.
"Oh sweetheart, what's the fun in being 'normal', you gotta have a little bit of crazy in you to have fun." He told you.
On the way back home you felt really happy at how somewhat well this went. And even happier that they approved of Phil.

Yay! Another story! 🎈 Surprisingly this turned out not too rubbish. Hope you liked it.
Love, Anne.

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