Phil: baby thoughts (pt 2)

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Have you thought of any good names?... I mentally laugh at my own joke but simply shake my head no towards y/n.

Phil's POV
Soon after, the Doctor comes through the door with a big smile and asks us if we had a name in mind already. We both say no and he tells us not to worry about it, most parents have trouble naming their kid as well and that he could give us more time if needed. We thanked him and he walked away to attend other important matters.

"Ok so we have to think of a name... You know, they say when you look at someone's face for the first time, you just instantly know what name they have." Y/n tells me and so our heads turn towards the baby.
After about a minute, I speak up and say, "Well I can't seem to find any name for her yet what about you?"
"Not too sure how you feel about this, but what about Daniella? You know after Dan." Y/n's eyes look at me as if to figure out what is going through my head. I thought it was a good idea. I give her a big smile look down at our baby and say, "I guess it's settled, your name is Daniella Jessamine Lester"
"Woah! Where did you get Jessamine from?" She laughs a bit.
"What you don't like it?"
"No no I do like it, I was simply wondering. I think it goes well with Daniella."  She gently laughs and continues saying, "I thought you said you didn't have a name in mind." Now she was squinting her eyebrows in a funny way.
I chuckle and say," yeah well I was afraid you wouldn't like it."
"Nonsense. I really do like it." She grabs my hand and squeezes it in a comforting way.

I look at y/n and ask her," hey do you mind if I bring people in or would you like to wait and rest?" Honestly I couldn't wait for the guys to see Daniella.
"I think that's a good idea Phil. Go grab our parents." And so I did. The first to come in the room were her parents. My parents decided it'd be best if they wait outside for a bit until her parents met the baby.

"Oh y/n how are you honey? Hello Phil" her mum hugged her warmly.
"I'm fine mum thanks" she smiled. They continued to talk and converse about the procedure and how everything went. Y/n tried explaining as best she could without giving too many specified details. Her parents thought they'd give other friends a turn to see the baby. So they left and said they would be back to visit her sometime later today.

My parents were next. I brought them into the room and my mum instantly ran towards y/n and the baby.
"Aw she's adorable." My mum swooned at the sight of Daniella. Y/n smiled and handed her over to my mum. "Are you sure I can hold her."
"Go right ahead. It gives my arms a little rest." Y/n laughed.
My dad stood next to my mum and played with Daniella's hands.

"I'll be back y/n ok I'm gonna go see where Dan and Louise are".  She nodded in agreement and I headed out. As I made my way out of the room and into the waiting area I still couldn't believe this, I was a dad. This is crazy! I just imagine Daniella making videos with me once she's older, or maybe videos won't be her thing and that's ok too. I imagine me being there for her first steps and her first words. Her first word might even be 'light' as well. Hopefully it's 'daddy'. I shake that funny thought out of my head and keep walking.

"Phil!!" I hear Louise calling for me.
"Hey!" I ran towards her and she comes  to hug me. The only ones here are Dan and Louise. Everyone else was going to go over to our place on a different day to properly meet Ella there.
"So how's the baby? How's y/n?" Dan asks.
"She's doing well"
"Boy or girl?"
"Oh no, someone is going to be over protective much"  Louise says in a playful tone while poking my sides.
"You don't know that yet" I say while laughing it off.

"Oh Phil we know. I can just imagine you right now. Instead of letting her be in the clothes she wants, you are going to make her wear long sleeve turtle neck shirts and loose pants so the boys won't be able to see her skin at all." Dan said that and we all laughed.
"Ok ok I still have about 13 years to think that through" Ha! What if they're right though. I mentally start to worry but I mean, she's still a baby for crying out loud. I'll be a cool dad! I think this trough and make a mental note.

"Can we go see her?" Louise asks.
"Yes of course! Right this way."
We made it to the right room and there was y/n, trying to rest while my parents held Ella. Louise made her way over to my mum because she was holding Daniella. My mum handed her over and Louise carried her. Dan walked over the y/n and hugged her. He gave her a teddy bear and some flowers.
"Aw thanks Dan."
"Of course. No problem. Congratulations by the way." He says and Louise walked over to where we were and tried giving the baby to Dan.
"Oh woah! No no no I'm gonna drop her." He protested.
"Oh cmon Dan. You won't drop her. Just hold her head safely and you'll be fine." Louise reassured him.

Dan took a deep breath and extended his arms to hold Ella. Louise gave her to him and it looked as if he didn't want to breath in case any sudden movement would break her. "Why don't you sit Dan." I told him and he took a seat.
"So does little baby Lester have a name yet?"
"She does actually... It's Daniella Jessamine." Dan reverted  his eyes back to us and out of shock said,"what?! As is Daniella? Like Dan? Danny? Daniel?" He says while pointing to himself and we all gave a chuckle here and there.
"Yes Dan, as in Dan."
"You are her godfather after all."
"I'm... Wow, truly I'm honoured " he looks down at Ella and touches her cheek.

The doctor comes in to check up on Ella and asked me and y/n if we'd pick out a name already. I spoke up and said, "yes. It's Daniella Jessamine Lester."

Ok so not the best for a part two but I tried. And it doesn't help that I suck at endings 😂🔫.
If you got this far into the reading, thanks loads, Anne.

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