Dan: sleepless nights

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Prompt: Dan can't sleep so you suggest playing video games.
Sorry for any grammatical errors ☺️

Readers POV

Lately Dan has been having trouble going to sleep at night. You've tried helping him out by doing things you knew would help but so far none of your ideas worked. You heard having a warm glass of milk before bed helped you feel at ease and go to sleep quicker, but nope not Dan. Dan didn't go to sleep until three in the morning that night. Then you tried making him go to sleep at an earlier time since you knew from experience that once you sleep too late you kinda lose sense of sleep and felt more alive than tired.

So far none of the things you tried worked on Dan and it was getting to you, it wasn't helping you much either that Dan couldn't go to sleep since you work the next morning and end up going to work half asleep. It was now night time and there you were laying in bed with the lights off next to Dan waiting to see if he'd fall asleep already. It was currently 11:47 and you felt your eyelids getting heavier by the second. Before you could count to three, you had fallen asleep.

Later on you were woken up by the feeling of someone poking your arm. You opened your eyes lazily and saw Dan staring right into your eyes fully awake.
"Y/n I can't sleep again." He whispered to you.
You checked the time and said, "Dan, it's 2:37 and I'm tired."
"But y/n.." He said with those big brown eyes of his giving you the 'puppy eyes'.
"Fine I'm up, I'm up." He then smiled down at you. You suggested snuggling since the warmth of someone can cause someone to slowly drift off to sleep. He agreed and there you had Dan in your arms cuddled up. After about six minutes he spoke up, "y/n this isn't working." He heard no response so he said it again. Once he figured out you fell asleep he got out of your arms and woke you up.
"Sorry sorry I'm up." You said with long yawn.
"Ugh y/n I'm tired but I can't sleep"
You got up from bed and made it to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. Dan followed you behind and saw what you were doing.
"Coffee? How is that going to help? I'm trying to go to sleep not stay awake."
"Exactly. That's why you're not having coffee, I am." Once you made your coffee you went into the game room and turned on a game console.
"Uhh... We're gonna play video games?"
"I guess so, I'm out of ideas and now I got the impulse to play so come here and sit." He obeyed your orders and took a seat next to you.

After playing for quite some time and making Dan lose several times you were so tired you had to go to bed now. It was now 4:12 and you had be up by 7:00 and leaving home to work around 7:30. "Hey
y/n?" Dan says with a yawn. "I think I'm going to bed now."
"Same here." You rubbed your eyes. Once you both made it to bed, he hugged you and thanked you for being so understanding. You hummed in agreement and drifted off to sleep after that.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off. You groaned and got up from bed. You got dressed and went to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee, one for now and the other to go. Much to your surprise, you saw Phil sitting at the table on his computer.
"Well you're up early."
"Yeah, I remembered I had to respond to some important email." You just nodded.
"So another sleepless night with Dan huh."
"You have no idea. We were up till 4:00 this time." You said in surprise.
"Woah new record there."
"Yeah no kidding. Next time it's your turn to stay up with him."
"Uh no, your boyfriend your problem." You laughed at what Phil had just said and so did he.
"Well I should probably get going Phil. Good luck with that email by the way." And with that you were out the door feeling extremely tired but ready for work.

Another one up guys. Hey if you have some ideas, let me know. I'm sort of running out of them.
Much appreciation, Anne.

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