Dan: different feelings

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Today was the day Dan had planned out to take you out to dinner

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Today was the day Dan had planned out to take you out to dinner. He told you to be ready at around 5:30 so he could pick you up at 6:00. Personally, you couldn't wait to meet up with him because lately you really haven't seen him much. You wondered what he had planned and what you two would do.

Before you knew it, Dan was at your front door step with a small smile on his face asking if you were ready to go, you nod and head out trying to get ahold of Dan's hand. He senses your move and puts his hands in his pocket, giving the excuse of it being a bit chilly out. You think nothing of it and continue walking.

During dinner, it's a bit too quiet and as much as you try to make small talk he answers back with very few words. It's not like Dan to hardly talk so you ask him what's wrong. He looks down at his plate and puts his hands under the table. You try to reach towards him but he backs away slightly, now he's really worrying you.
"Dan what's wrong?"
"Y/n, you know how we've been dating for the last eight months?"
"Yup why?" At this point you thought Dan was going to propose or do something of that sort, you could be wrong and it could be something completely different, whatever it was you didn't want to get too excited and show it.
"Well.. Those last eight months were one of the best months I had with you, starting with long walks in the park to simply going to get ice cream at some parlor. And trust me when I say I regret nothing.. but recently I feel like we've been drifting apart quite a lot with me going to conventions and you with work..." As he continued taking you knew this wasn't a proposal but more of a break up. You kept hearing to what he had to say, " and y/n I've met someone else recently, she's great really and..." You cut him off just to ask a question, a really dumb question if you ask me," so.. You're breaking up with me?"
"I'm afraid so y/n. I'm sorry but I hope you understand." As soon as he finished that sentence he looked down and you shed the small tears that were forming in your eyes for a while now. Dan looked up from his lap to meet your eyes and when he saw you in that moment he regretted what he had said, especially here inside a restaurant. Now people are really going to think he's a jerk.

Dan stood up from his seat and grabbed your arm," y/n why don't we leave, I think I'd be best if we did." You agreed with the nod of your head, you weren't exactly bawling your eyes out but you were heartbroken at the fact that Dan was no longer yours, no more playing video games, buying random candy and testing it out, no more cooking together or movie night. As of that moment you were a single lady with a shattered heart. Dan had taken the initiative to pay for the meal while you waited for him outside. He finally came out and you spoke up, "Dan. I really am glad to see you've found someone who makes you happy. I wish you both the best, we'll stay in touch ok?" And with that you turned around but he called out your name.
"Y/n wait. I appreciate what you're doing here. That's something I always loved about you." When Dan said that, it made you smile but you stopped yourself before your smile got even bigger. "You always put others' interest and benefits before your own. You have a great quality and a big heart y/n. Just remember, I don't regret us dating and what we did when we were together it's just, you know stuff happens." And with that Dan finished with a big sigh.
"I know, I'm glad you told me though, treat her well Daniel. Well I should better get going before it gets awfully late." Then Dan gave you a tiny smile and offered to walk you half of the way to your place but you denied his request and made your way home.

Since then time passed, you and Dan do stay in touch and sometimes meet up to have coffee or something. His girlfriend is lovely but sometimes you wonder how you two would have ended up if you continued dating. You don't let that get to you and try not to consume you whole. Now that you think of it, it's not too bad being single for a change.

Another day another story huh guys. Well hope you liked it.
Till next time, Anne.

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