Sylveon TG TF

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youtuberjeremyn1000's Sylveon TG TF Request

by Kelly177, Aug 30, 2014, 12:10:13 AMLiterature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Jeremyn used to be your average Pokémon trainer. He loves his Pokémon a lot. He especially loved his Eevee Evelyn. Unlike most trainers, Jeremyn loved to dance. He was actually dancing when this story started.

Jeremyn was outside his house, practicing his dance moves. Evelyn, the Eevee, was watching him as he practiced. Jeremyn was a pretty good dancer, so Evelyn liked to see him dance. It turns out she wasn't the only one watching him dance though.

Noticing the dancer, a certain mew with brown spikey hair stopped to watch him dance. After a while, he decided to join in on the fun. He didn't want to shock the boy too much, so he disguised himself as a human male about the same age as Jeremyn. He then approached the dancer.

"Hey, you're pretty good at dancing," the disguised Mew Mew said.

"Thanks," Jeremyn replied.

"Of course, you're not as good as me," Mew said.

"Oh really?" Jeremyn said in an unbelieving tone.

"Yeah, though if you want to see for yourself, why don't we have a little contest?" Mew Mew suggested.

"Sure. That sounds like fun," Jeremyn said.

The two of them then started to dance. They both did their best dancing. Evelyn watched and cheered on her trainer. Jeremy's was good, but it turned out Mew Mew was better.

"Wow. Those were some good moves. You obviously won," Jeremyn said.

"Thanks. You did pretty well though. I think you should get a consilation prize," Mew Mew said.

"Well, thanks," Jeremyn replied.

Mew mew then started to cast a spell on Jeremyn, who just thought he was doing some weird dance. Evelyn realized what it was, but couldn't warn her trainer. It didn't take long after the spell was cast for Jeremyn to have a strange feeling.

"Ugh. What is this," he said. The feeling was at the moment strongest in his hands. He looked at them, and soon saw that they were getting smaller. His fingers shrank, two of them on each hand getting smaller until they no longer existed. His hands then grew pink fur and paw pads. Evelyn watched in horror as her trainer started to change.

"What's wrong with my hands?" Jeremyn calls out. His arms then started to grow pink and light cream-coloured fur. They then changed in length and width.

"This is your consilation prize. I decided to make you a Sylveon," Mew Mew said.

"W...What?!?!" Jeremyn asked. His torso started to grow light cream fur and change shape. He could see and feel a pink Sylveon tail grow out of him.

"I thought this would be a good body to dance in," Mew Mew said.

At this moment, something made Jeremyn fall. He didn't have to see it to tell that his feet and legs changed.

"Of course, I thought it might be mean to make you a male Sylveon, since it is more of a girlish Pokemon, so I came up with a solution for it," Mew Mew said while smiling.

"What was your solution," Jeremyn asked, his voice now affected by the spell. He noticed it sounded really high.

"I decided to make you a girl so it wouldn't be so awkward in that body," Mew Mew said.

"A girl?!?!" Jeremyn said. His/her neck then started to grow the bow and ribbons Sylveons have. The spell now affects his/her head, making her nose and mouth stretch forward and changed into a muzzle with a small black nose and a mouth full of sharp teeth. His/her eyes were pushed further apart by the muzzle, and changed size and shape before becoming blue and white. His/her ears grew longer before going higher up on him/her. A bow with ribbon came with the left ear. Jeremyn's transformation was complete.

Jeremyn looked at herself. She took off the now unnecessary clothes. Evelyn went up to ask her former trainer if she was alright. She just told the eevee yes and looked at Mew Mew angrily.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not that bad. At least I'm not leaving you here to be captured," Mew Mew said. Before Jeremyn could asked what he meant by that, the disguised mew teleported Jeremyn, Evelyn, and himself away.

They end up in Professor Oak's lab. No human was in the building at the moment though.

"You'll be fine here. Well, bye," Mew Mew said.

Before the Mew could teleport though, Jeremyn asked him a question. "How are you able to change people and teleport?"

Mew Mew looks at Jeremyn. "It's because I'm not a human." He then got rid of his disguise and showed Jeremyn his mew form.

"You're a Mew?" Jeremyn asked.

"Yup. See ya," Mew Mew said, teleporting before anymore questions could be asked.

Jeremyn looked around him sadly. When he figured his life was over, she couldn't help but cry.

Jeremyn stopped crying when Evelyn the Eevee went over to comfort her. "Don't worry Jeremyn. You'll be ok. I'll help you get through this," she said.

Jeremyn looked at Evelyn. "Thank you. You are a really good friend," she said.

Soon after that, Professor Oak came in and noticed the two Pokemon. He checked to see if they had a trainer near by, then brought them to meet the other Pokemon. The other Pokemon accepted the newcomers really quickly, and soon Jeremyn had many new friends. With the help of the other Pokemon (who Jeremyn told what happened to her) and Evelyn, Jeremyn soon became happy in her new form. She even started dancing again, which attracted the attention of everyone, including Professor Oak, who liked to write poems about the dancing Sylveon.

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