Misty Gets Bugged

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Misty Gets Bugged

by laprasking, Mar 9, 2012, 6:02:14 PMLiterature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Misty always hated the journey to Viridian City. She knew what it meant, and that was to cut across the bug infested Viridian Forest. Normally when she had her bike, the red head gym leader would avoid the forest via a Cycle path she knew, but ever since she got her bike back after a certain someone burnt it to a crisp, her sister had been taking up cycling, and being the girls they were, they would rather spend their money of other things like clothes and make up then save up he ridiculous one million Poke dollars for a bike, so they would always borrow Misty's bike. Having three older sisters was a pain for Misty, as if one wasnt borrowing her bike, the other would be, therefore she rarely got to rid her bike. She sighed, remembering the free Bike voucher she won for excellent performance from her swimming lessons as a child. The last time she rode her bike was beginning to feel as far back as her childhood.

Just then, she spotted the very thing she was afraid of bumping into, a bug Pokemon, looking curiously at Misty while curled up on top of a small rock. However, it was a Caterpie, which while still a bug, the red haired Gym Leader got on a little better with then say, a Beedrill, a Spinarak, or even a Venonat. She remembered how the Caterpie from a certain male trainer saved their hides long ago, when Team Rocket nearly took their Pokemon away. Granted, she had Water Pokemon on her take could of easily handled Team Rocket if Caterpie had failed, but the fact that Caterpie fought hard for both Ash and her earnt some reputation points for Caterpies as a whole to Misty. Still squishy and gross to her, they did at least eventually evolve into Butterfree. Now there was a bug Pokemon Misty had no issues with at all. Cute despite those bug eyes and teeth, and colourful with bright white wings with black lining.

"Weeeeee?" the bug Pokemon whined.

"Oh, hello there..." Misty politely spoke. "My, you're not like other Caterpie I've seen. Could you possibly be a shiny?"

Unlike normal Caterpie, this bug Pokemon was a different colour, a bright shiny gold, like it was made of solid gold. Misty had heard about shiny Pokemon and had even seen them with her own eyes. Ash had a shiny Noctowl at one point, and then there was that island of pink Pokemon they visited, which while they were pink due to the food they ate on the island, the Pokemon were still considered valuable enough for Team Rocket to try and steal. This got Misty thinking, if she caught this Caterpie, then she would have something of great value that many trainers would trade with her. She could have all kinds of offers for rare Water types, heck maybe a lucky trainer could trade her a Kyogre if she was lucky. Even if she couldnt get a decent offer, Caterpie was so easy to train, she could have a Butterfree in no time, while again made Misty wonder, this just at just what a shiny Butterfree could look like. Maybe it could more even more colourful then a normal one and cute enough to even keep. With those ideas in mind, there was no doubt in Misty's mind what she was going to do, taking out a Pokeball from her shorts pocket and enlarging it at a click of the front button.

"That settles it, I'm gonna capture you Caterpie!" Misty smiled in confidence. "Go Pokeball!"

Another thing Misty remembered that was Ash easily captured his Caterpie with ease, only throwing a Pokeball and not even having to engage in battle to catch it. What if theory would be an easy thing to accomplish, the Caterpie actually hit the Pokeball with it's tail like a baseball bat, knocking the Pokeball back at Misty's feet.

"Huh, guess you're not just shiny, you're strong too. Looks like I'll have to call on..."

Before Misty could even pick a Pokeball containing one of her Pokemon from her pocket, more Caterpie began to emerge from the bushes and grass surrounding the opening Misty and the Caterpie she tried to catch stood in. They all shined that solid gold shine and looked displeased with Misty, putting on an angry face. Including the one on the rock, there had to be around ten of them.

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