Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)

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Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)

by confusedkangaroo, May 5, 2015, 8:29:17 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

On that particular day, I can honestly say I was only half paying attention to the game I was playing, the sounds of bullets and missiles coming from far away and despite the short utterances of ‘Oh come on’ and similar down my headpiece, I couldn’t tell you if I was actually winning or losing. I couldn’t tell you either what flavour the remains of the takeaway pizza were. My mind was completely somewhere else, on what I considered then to be bigger things.

The name is Jacob, and I looked like a scruffy teen: I had shaggy, dirty blonde hair (I certainly remember that), and sharp blue eyes. Chris had told me once that I had eyes that pierced into people’s being, but I don’t know if that is true. Chris had been my best friend. Had. The reason for this is due to his leaving for a new village and not turning up. My heart was concerned about this, but I had life to get on with so not much. We had met randomly as I passed by his orphanage. I envied his life: he didn’t have to worry about nagging parents; he could be a true individual. That was our greatest difference: he wanted to be loved and wanted the world to be a better place. I wanted just to be alone (well, not totally alone, but able to choose when I wanted to talk to someone, like in the online world of gaming) and I couldn’t care less about the world. If people wanted to make war or other such stuff, that was their choice. Personally, I liked the idea of chaos in the world, of throwing the whole rules of society of on a tangent and creating mischief. Suppose that’s why I hadn’t made any friends, that me and Chris had grown distant and was unemployed: people saw me as a little unhinged. Not really, I just had different interests. I survived though, in a tiny flat that my parents had paid for. They did that with a lot of willingness, almost like they wanted to get me out of the house.

Anyway, that’s me out of the way so let’s get back to what actually happened. I said earlier that I wasn’t really playing the game. No, my mind was wondering, as usual, about other worlds. I mean, think about. What if the games you played were really other worlds? What if there were other dimensions out there? Would life be better or worse? What would change? Scientists were working on the parallel universe theory and I wondered how cool it would be to look at each one. To feel like a tourist but also to gain knowledge, be a complete master of all realms. Maybe I could also change a few things myself in each world, just to add a bit of mayhem, especially if the worlds were boring.

As if in response to my thoughts, a new voice came up in my headset. I didn’t know who it was, except it was male and stern, but was freaked out a little that they seemed to know what I was thinking.

“So, you like the idea of different dimensions and causing chaos?”

I looked at the player list. No one else was added to it. I was getting more concerned by the moment.

“Yeah...” I said uncertainly.

“Then turn around.”

I did, and jumped up, off the sofa and dropping my controls and taking off my headset. This was a really weird scene. Imagine a small living room, littered with pizza boxes and with the sound of warfare from a TV, a boy in a dark grey jacket, red and grey striped shirt and navy blue jeans looking at two robed figures, one in white and one in black. Yeah, bizarre right. I just stared at them.

The one in white, who I now noticed had dark skin, spoke in an equally stern female voice. “Would you like to become a legend of chaos?”

I tried giving them my best Grumpy Cat face (I love memes by the way). Just what were they on about?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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