Breaking News - Mewtwo TF

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Breaking News - Mewtwo TF

by Lonelydreamer21, Sep 24, 2009, 8:01:12 PMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy

Breaking News


My wings caught the updraft of the sizzling black asphalt, sending me higher into the bright blue sky. The day was beautiful by human standards; the sun was out and blazing, and a gentle wind blew across the new blacktop.

I had to admire the humans for their tenacity. It had been scarcely twenty years since I last ravaged the planet, and they were already beginning to reproduce and rebuild. My handiwork had changed them. They had to work together. Trust one another. Put aside differences and realize that surviving was important. Their work had propelled them back to some of their former greatness - the city I soared above was not unlike most grand cities before the destruction had begun. The humans thought they were back on track to greatness.

They were wrong.

I had discovered my target. The building was the tallest in the city - a black monolith of steel and glass with an enormous neon sign. 'CAPITAL NEWS'. Bright blue. It was currently the largest corporation in the world and had a monopoly on the news industry. People, who previously could care less about the news, had turned it into one of the most profitable industries in the world. Journalism was now the watchdog of the people, reporting attacks by my creatures and unusual weather caused by my 'magic'. But human nature had preserved. The journalists were beyond reproach and untouchable by law - they were perceived to be too valuable to be arrested. Being what they were, they had taken full advantage of the situation, using the news to get back at their enemies and people who distrusted the press. My target was the leader - a self-proclaimed 'political scientist' named Sally Warren. I could see her through one of the windows. She was beautiful - long, flowing red hair, fine business suit that ran thousands of dollars, and designer high-heels.

Fake. She was actually a brunette and the suit was purposely tailored for sex appeal. She was smiling at a folder in her hands. Another case file on a political opponent. She was planning on running for office; specifically, the secretary of the treasury. A few hundred thousand dollars appropriated here and there, and the public would never notice...

I had timed this perfectly. While I could have forced her bodyguards and coworkers to leave, I wanted to catch her in her one moment of weakness. After all, she was brilliant. She'd know when something was wrong and would get suspicious. I wanted her to be completely off guard. I banked closer...closer...watching as she turned around, going to her laptop. An idea for a story was already in her mind.

She looked back up and gasped in shock, the story - and the rest of her plans for the day - forgotten. I was sitting in her seat, a mockery of her profession. I was still me - purple-scaled with long thick tail and huge wings - but in a fine business suit, as opposed to my usual lack of clothing. I smiled back at her as the folder dropped from her hands, an open-mouthed look of horror on her face. "Hello, Ms. Warren."

She stammered for a moment, completely without anything to say for the first time in her life. " guards..."

"...are currently downstairs, dealing with one of your numerous enemies. The room is soundproofed, the cameras are off, as you always request them to be whenever you've got a top story. Nobody would know what would have happened to you. I could erase you, wipe the memories of anyone who's even heard of you. You would disappear from history."

She took a step back, stumbling on her shoes and falling, landing flat on her bottom. I rose from the chair, taking very slow, deliberate steps towards her. A folder bulging with hundreds of papers appeared in my off-hand. I read from each sheet, discarding them when finishing. "You've built yourself an empire, Sally. You are head of the largest division of the largest company in the world. In your career, you have ruined the careers and lives of two hundred seventy seven politicians, put an untold number of people out of work with your exposes, driven eighteen people to madness and twelve to suicide. Your work has earned you eight million, seven hundred twenty six thousand subscribers, many of which comment on your everyday blog." As I walked, I re-grew into my 'natural' size, the fine suit ripping and tearing to pieces. The fabric fell to the floor as I let the rest of the folder drop to the ground. I stood over her, towering high above and watching her quake.

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