Nutritious Eggs (Chansey TF TG)

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Nutritious Eggs (Chansey TF TG)

by Calclor, Jan 28, 2015, 6:37:22 AMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

The large coastal city of Slateport was bustling as always, with local residents and tourists from abroad walking the streets of the town, some viewing the sights such as the tall lighthouse to help ships at the expansive Hoenn sea and the Oceanic Museum that displayed exhibits on the hydraulics of water and the ships that traverse them. Others were down by the beach south of the city, watching their children from the shade of large parasols run around with their Pokemon on the sand, while a few were quenching their thirst at the hut on the beach with soda pops.

But the most important feature that was adding to this hustle and bustle was the market, stretching across a huge portion of the city, selling all kinds of exotic wares from all over, ranging from food to furniture. Adults and children alike walked down this paved street, browsing to find a steal, or looking for something new they haven't seen before. After all, the sellers that advertised their goods came from all over, from Kalos to Kanto, meeting right here in this seabound city.

Jack was one such customer, walking down the paved street and sliding past other people while glancing at the wares, paying the most attention in the food. Still being morning and having not eaten yet since he had woken up, it was natural that he was feeling a little peckish. The markets were known to have great food, anyways. Very filling, and sometimes for a great price, too. Pastries shipped from Kalos, savoury delicacies from Johto.. But there was nothing suitable for breakfast. He frowned slightly as his gaze failed to find any vendor that was selling something that he needed at this hour. Ugh, what a pain.. He wanted something with a little flavour, but nothing came into sight..

"Fresh eggs! Come get your fresh eggs, all the way from Kanto!" Jack stopped, turning his head slightly towards the voice. Eggs? Well, compared to all the other foods that in itself seemed a little bland... His stomach rumbled, seemingly disagreeing and he sighed. It was the closest thing to a breakfast, though. Whirling around to face the direction the voice came from, he began strolling down to the vendor.

The vendor was a tall, stocky man, standing behind a small plastic table that you would use at picnics or camping trips with a small stove set up behind him, a frying pan something, vapor rising from the pan. At least the food would be hot. The man smiled as Jack approached, leaning on the table.
"Ahoy there! What can I get for ya?"
He strolled up to the stall, looking behind him at the stove before looking up to the man. "Hello. I heard you were cooking eggs..?"
The man beamed. "Of course! We're serving it scrambled, with some cheese and seasoning. Would you like some?"

He rubbed his chin, hunger driving his decision for him before a question drove him off course, back to the side of doubt. "..What animal are the eggs from?"
The man seemed to freeze, locking up like a statue as a drop of sweat beaded from his forehead before he leaned forward onto the desk, bringing his palm up to his mouth and bringing his voice to a whisper. "I'll be honest with you, I'm not sure myself. I just order the shipments from Kanto."

The man backed up, returning to his jovial demeanor. "But what I CAN answer for you is that these are delicious. Every person that has bought a dish from here has agreed these are the best eggs they've ever tasted." He turned around to the frying pan, scooping a serving into a small, disposable plastic dish before passing it back over to Jack, along with some plastic cutlery. "Taste a little, and if you're not happy you can give it back, no questions asked."

Jack took the dish, raising an eyebrow at the man's enthusiasm. It seemed a little suspicious.. But then again, this was common for vendors to try to oversell their products. The scrambled eggs had a powerful cheesy smell, the dish speckled with bits of parsley and garlic. Fiddling with the plastic fork, he poked a small piece of egg, staring at it skeptically before placing it in his mouth.

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