Strange Coincedences

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Strange Coincedences

by BoredAsAnythingSide, Aug 5, 2010, 3:44:12 AMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

In every forest, there is a point where all the natural parts come together to make a scene of pure natural beauty. Birds flutter, bugs glow brilliantly, animals scamper. Rippling water, moonlight and soft lit trees. All these come together in some way in every forest, to create a scene of pure bliss. Most people, when coming across it, would stop and simply bathe in the beauty.

Marina didn't give a shit. Slamming her heavy bag down, she searched violently through it for her recorder. Finding it, she pressed the red button and began to talk.
"Day 3. The GPS system has failed, as well as the compass. I suspect a psychic Pokémon near by may be responsible, but at current there is nothing I can do. Still no sign of the target."
Satisfied, Marina sat back against the tree, and sighed. On any other day, she would enjoy the beautiful images this scene presented to her, but after 3 long days of searching with 0% success, it would take a lot to raise her happiness. After everything, the only thing that would revive her spirits would be to see her friends.

It had started 7 months ago, with the revelation of a certain company's grossly illegal activities and the subsequent disappearance of many of the company's staff. Under the guise of a dishwashing glove company, it produced fetish suits of Pokémon that, once worn, took over the minds of their wearers, reducing them to sex slaves. Marina hadn't cared much. They're a lot worse going on in the world. But then she found out that one of the whistleblowers, and one of the now many missing people, was her close friend Melody. It had shocked her that Melody, a woman known for her poor future, had managed to uncover something so large, and it seemed a shame it had caused her to disappear, when she had finally found something to do to survive.

Marina had felt very sad, but she knew it had been a near inevitable thing. Someone in everyone's life always died (or disappeared) badly, and Marina had accepted it as a fact of life. Everyone has to go sometime.

But then, barely a week after, another friend of hers had disappeared into the same forest. May, a trainer who was travelling the world, had mysteriously disappeared into a forest in the middle of the night. The police suspected a hostage situation from the now enemy no.1 company workers, but no notes or calls ever came, and May, Like Melody, disappeared from existence.

But now Marina was angry. Very angry. She had lost two close friends. She had been providing support for the police for the last or 6 months, detailing every single one of her friend's traits and habits that may lead to their finding, but nothing helped, and 2 weeks ago, the police quit the search.

She didn't.


Not too far away, in a patch of forest so dense only the most dexterous Pokémon could cross, a rite of ritual was taking a place. A group of Buneary's, ears flopping, circled a pack of wild furrets. The ferret Pokémon were confused, wondering this was an act of aggression or friendship. In the background, glazed but concentrated eyes watched the scene.

Then, the first Buneary made its move. Moving in swiftly on the Alfa of the furret pack, it moved up, and nervously gave it a quick peck on the mouth. The effect was instanteous. The furrets eyes dimmed, and its mouth smiled vaguely. As it did so, the other bunearies chose a target and made their move. In seconds, the pact of furrets had been reduced to mere loving partners for the bunearies. The bunnies smiled as they began to glow, brightening until it was hard to look. In a few minutes, Pairs of Furret and Lopbunny rushed happily into the woods, mates for life.

May watched with tears in her eyes. It was a rite of passage that all Buneary's (female or not) should pair up and evolve when the time was right. May knew it had to happen, but they were her children, and she had loved them. What would she do n-

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