A Whole New Game

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A Whole New Game

by KParote22, Dec 31, 2013, 3:57:53 PMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

NOTE: This piece contains TF, TG, and Pokemon. If you don't like it, don't read it.

To say that Jack was excited to play the new Pokemon games would have been an understatement. He was perhaps a little late in getting one of the games, but that only made him all the more eager to play through it. He was already making quite a bit of progress, having defeated the Santalune City gym leader, Viola, and paying one more visit to the pokemon center before continuing.

"Alright, Route 4 is next. Let's just save up and get to the next city!" Jack said with a smirk. He had yet to notice the red light coming from his 3DS, warning him of a low battery.

He paused the game and clicked through the prompts, and the game began to save. The screen flashed with warnings of making sure not to turn off or reset the system. Unfortunately and perhaps ironically, this was the exact moment that the 3DS decided it had had enough, and immediately turned itself off before the save could complete.

Jack went wide-eyed and frowned, staring at the blackened screen, turning the 3DS over in his hand. He grimaced as he pressed the power button over and over again, but nothing. "Dammit! Was I really playing for that long?" He looked at the clock nearby. The teen frowned, suddenly aware of his surroundings. It was already dark out, and he was pretty sure he started playing a bit after noon.

Jack stood up, stretching his legs and grumbling at the kinks in his back. He fetched the charger for his 3DS. "Probably a good time to stop anyway. Man..." He sighed as he plugged the handheld in. However, his grumpy mood was soon shifted as he thought back on his progress. He was definitely having fun with the new region, and he was eager to see what else the game had in store for him!

In his excitement, he completely disregarded the fact that the game closed while it was saving, and indeed he wouldn't realize what effect this would have until the next, and last, time he played the game.


It was later that day, and Jack was eager to play some more Pokemon. He sat down with his charged up 3DS and turned it on. The 3DS booted up as per usual, and he hit the Pokemon Y icon as soon as it was visible.

However, the game did not boot up.

Jack shrugged and tried to launch it again.

Nothing, still.

The boy frowned. He doubted it was supposed to take this long for the game to boot up. It was working fine the last time! He waited, and waited, and waited. Jack frowned and turned the handheld off, pulling the cartridge out and looking it over. "Everything looks fine..." Jack put the game back in and turned the 3DS on again.

Once again, the 3DS started up as normal. However, the icon for Pokemon Y seemed to be glitched.

The logo in the square in the bottom was completely black, and the top screen was blank, as if he were hovering over an empty square. Despite better judgement, Jack clicked on the square, launching the game.

To his relief and surprise, it launched with little trouble, and soon he was taken through the usual credits and opening. He pressed start at the prompt and was taken to the menu. The text on the menu was the first sign of trouble; everything was glitchy gibberish, including the text in his save data. "Oh man, please don't tell me I lost all my progress." He had only just started the game, sure, but it would be unfortunate regardless to have to do it all over again. He clicked on what he figured was the option to continue.

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