Mewtastic! (Mew Tf)

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Mewtastic! (Mew Tf)

by confusedkangaroo, Dec 10, 2014, 10:15:14 AMLiterature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Ok, that was all the letters and spread sheets done for today. All that was left were the contracts, meeting notes, presentation scripts...Well, just the contracts at the very least; they would take the whole night...

These were the thoughts running through the head of Mrs Sophie Harper, a married mum of four, and a secretary. She was a business woman first and person afterwards. She certainly looked every bit the secretary of one of the most senior bosses in one of the most senior companies on the globe. Immaculate grey suit and matching skirt, unblemished white shirt, tidy blonde hair tied in a long ponytail and very high heeled black shoes: typical business woman. Of course, there was a problem with being so work minded: Mrs Harper had no time for her kids. The eldest, Mel at 16, was about to sit her exams but she was never there to support her. The next, Josh at 10, always asked his mum to watch his football sessions but she always made her excuses. The third at 5 was Lucy, who had cried when Mrs Harper promised she would be there for her school's play and showed up when it had ended. Finally there was little baby Cecilia, and she was left completely with the stay at home dad Brian. Brian was wonderful, doing everything with the kids, but even Mrs Harper could see how tired he was getting. They hadn't been on a night out, either with kids or alone, for so long...Food had to be paid for though, and those school fees weren't going to disappear. Mrs Harper needed to work, but at what cost?

It was pure chance that she spotted a little girl near her car (conveniently parked at the exit). At first, she seemed the normal ten year old in her scout's uniform. When she turned around though at the sound of Mrs Harper's footsteps, the woman stopped. The girl had stunning blue eyes and pink hair. Pink hair? It didn't look dyed, almost...natural. In her hands was a large box filled with several smaller boxes holding a number of pink sugar cookies. Despite the delicate aroma (was that cinnamon?), Mrs Harper wasn't in the mood for charity.

"I don't have time for this..." she angrily muttered in her head.

"Don't be silly, Mrs Harper!"

Mrs Harper gasped. How did she know her name? Had the boss given it to her or something? Even stranger yet was that the girl was continuing, a beaming smile on her face.

"EVERYONE has time for a cookie you know!"

Did she her mind? No, that wasn't possible. It had been a long day at work. That was it. Still, the cookies were so yummy looking...

The girl walked to her and brought the box closer to her. "I bet your four kids will love them too!"

Ok, she really wished that this child would stop doing that. How could one child be so annoying? Well, she was one to talk, she had four of them! Yet, she was sure they weren't as strange as her, right? Even so, they might appreciate a cookie. A peace offering for not attending yesterday's evening's takeaway perhaps. She didn't want to pay for them though, with money being so tight...

The girl took out some of the boxes and practically shoved them into Mrs Harper's hands and handbag, her eyes twinkling against the startled green of the adult's. "They're free, because happiness should ALWAYS be free!"

With the boxes now to hand, she glanced at them. In total, she had three boxes, each apparently with six cookies in each. Eighteen was too much surely? She was about to tell the girl to have some back, but gasped. The girl...had disappeared. Mrs Harper knew some kids were quick movers but still, she had only glanced away for mere moments. Did she...teleport?

No, she was being silly, and wasting time. Going to her car, getting in and slamming the door, shoving the boxes to the passenger seat, she thought angrily, "Don't be ridiculous! People don't just disappear!"

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