Six//Just Capture the Animal?

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After the dinner, we all headed back to our cabins and settled in for the night. I slept well, I can thank that to it being a super long day.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of an annoying alarm clock, which belonged to Ashley. I groaned, crawling out of my bed.

"Ashley!" India whined. She had bags under her eyes bigger than the Pacific Ocean.

"Sorry that I want to be prepared for our first real day of camp!" Ashley jumps out of bed. We clearly have a morning person at our hands.

"Sorry that I want to do a necessary bodily function and sleep!" India reported. And we also clearly have a non-morning person at our hands.

"India, don't pull that on me. I woke up at three in the morning to see you typing on your phone." Harley said, "What were you up that late for?"

"I'm a night owl, okay?" She retorted.

"Me too. That alarm was so loud, Ashley." Brooke said. Her blonde hair was in a messy top knot and she was rubbing her eyes, resulting in some left over mascara smudging.

"Um, Brooke?" I said, pointing at her eyes to hint that she now looked like a raccoon.

"Ugh!" She groaned, pulling out her phone camera to reveal the black mess under her eyes, "I'm going to go to the bathroom to wash this off."

"Okay, don't brush your teeth yet! You don't want the taste of mint in your mouth while your eating breakfast. Brush them after!" Ashley said.

"Okay, mom." Brooke sarcastically said, causing me to chuckle a little.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked Harley.

"I don't know, check the itinerary." She answered, joking around with her sass.

"Geez, you ask one favor!" I joked. I walked over to the door, where the weekly schedule was placed onto with some Scotch tape. I read for June 24th, which revealed today would be a game of capture the animal.

"All we're doing today is capture the animal?" I asked.

"What?" India walked over and read over to see if I was right. Sure enough, I was right. When am I wrong?

"That's stupid. Why is this the most popular all boys camp on the East Coast exactly?" She was clearly fed up with this camp already.

"Okay, I'm done. Let's go." Brooke said, walking out of the bathroom mascara smudge- free.

We headed to the main hall for breakfast, which was pancakes and syrup with sausage and strawberries. I felt rich, I never eat breakfast, and on the rare occasion that I did, it consisted of toast or corn flakes.

"Campers! Attention please!" Matt called over the crowd of around a thousand kids. Some quieted down in seconds, other didn't stop talking at all.

"Good morning campers, it's me counselor Matt.  Welcome to day one of Camp Harrison!" He said, causing the room to roar in cheers and claps. "I know we're all excited to start the summer off, so let's start it off with our most popular game from camp, capture the animal."

The crowd filled with cheers, and we all looked at each other confused. It's just capture the animal?

"When you're finished with breakfast, come up and grab a shirt. If you're Cabin A-K, grab a red shirt. L-Y, grab a blue shirt. And, obviously, Cabin Z is the counselors so Jake will be Team Captain for A-K, and I will be counselor for L-Y. Counselor Pete and counselor Hardy will be our refs. You can all change your shirts here, except you girls can go to their cabin."

"We want them to change here!" A kid said, causing us to blush and the whole room to burst into laughter. I placed my face into my hands and shook my head.

"Funny, funny." Matt said sarcastically, "now we will start playing at 9:30. Don't miss the start, or else you won't play at all. Have a nice breakfast!"

I thought to myself:

"What is so important about this game?"

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