Two // Away

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    That week flew by, the last day of school, the packing, everything. The day I had to leave was fun, I guess. I grabbed my suitcases out of my room, which were filled with clothes, three phone chargers, two pairs of ear buds, and my phone.

"Okay, we'll see you in August!" My mom said, kissing my forehead.

"Love you!" My dad said, hugging me.

"You too." I sighed.

"Hey! You'll be fine! It's gonna be the best summer of your life! And when we all come home well be a happy family again!" My dad said and my mom nodded her head.

"I know. I'm gonna go outside, wait for the bus." I said, rolling my bags outside. My parents followed me, and waited on the porch for the giant "school" bus to come. The bus drove around our region, picking up a few people who couldn't drive there themselves.

I sat there on the stoop of our porch, tapping my feet impatiently. My head scanned around, looking for the bus, until it creeped around the corner.

"Okay, Paige. See you soon." My father said, handing me some of my bags. I thanked him and gave them one last good bye and 'I love you' before the bus pulled up to my house. I took two trips getting my suit cases on, and I rolled my bags to the back. I sat in the seat across from my bags, staring out the window at my parents who were waving, and I smiled with glee and waved back.

"Hi!" A voice said, startling me. I looked back and where the voice was coming from, turning around to see and girl in the seat behind me, staring at me.

"Hi." I said, turning around to look at the girl. She was blonde, she looked like me. She looked around my age, but I looked a bit more mature for my age. The only other noticeable difference about us was she had brown eyes and I had blue.

"I'm Brooklyn, but my friends call me Brooke. Or Brookie. Or Lynn. Please don't call me Lynn." She said, and we laughed together.

"I'm Paige. Just Paige, unless I'm getting yelled at. Then it's 'Paige Marie Hart!" I joked.

"Cute shirt." She said, pointing to my daisy tank top which was flowey.

"Thanks, your's is better." I said, admiring her comic book halter top, which matched her phone case.

"Oh, thanks. Little secret, I don't actually like comic books I just like they way the look." She said and I laughed at her. She joined me, snorted a little, which made her laugh so hard a noise didn't even come out.

"What I said wasn't even funny, what got me was my snort!" She said, trying hard to breathe and I nodded my head since I couldn't say anything, due to my laughter.

"Woah, you guys just met and you're laughing that hard?" A girl asked, peeking out from a seat in front of us.

"How do you know we just met?" Brooke managed to say.

"Not gonna lie, I was eavesdropping." She said, walking up to the seat in front of me, "When you're sitting alone all you really do is just listen. I'm India."

"Well since you were eavesdropping I assume you already know our names." I joked.

  India was a very tall girl, with darker features. Her hair was very curly, and beautiful, and she was very slim. She could be a model.

"Yeah, Paige and Brooklyn." She giggled a bit. At least she's honest.

"Are you guys excited or what?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yes! I've always wanted to go to summer camp!" India squealed.

"Me too!" Brooklyn turned to me, "What about you?"

"Oh, well I'm only here because of family problems." I said, looking down at my lap.

"What do you mean?" She asked, leaning in a bit.

"Oh, well my parents have been fighting even before I was born, but they never wanted to divorce because they wanted me to have parents who were together. Lately it's been getting worse, so our family therapist suggested they went to this sort of 'marriage rehab' center while I went to summer camp." I said.

"Oh, well that sucks." India said, clearly not knowing what to say.

"Well I have divorced parents, so even if they did get divorced, it's not that bad. Double Christmas, double birthdays!" Brooke tried to cheer me up. I forced a fake smile for her, I didn't want her to think I was one of those people who made everything about me being a victim, when in all honestly I had it pretty well.

The rest of the bus ride was fun, I met two more girls named Ashley and Harley. We all bonded really quickly, and I could tell we would be in close this summer. As night drew near, I doze off, dreaming of what I hoped this summer would be like.

Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt