Eight//Girls Can't Do This

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oh my god you guys actually really like this book on the last chapter so many people said update so thank you all for the constant support!

After my successful win, our team had one 6 more of the ten games we played. First game was worth ten, last was worth one. We won the first, second, third, fifth, eighth, and tenth. We were victorious, and our team made sure to make the other team not forget that.

With constant taunting, teasing, and bickering between our groups, I can see why the event was so important.

"Congratulations, team blue! You have won the first game of the Summer Games, giving you 3 points towards the Harrison Cup!" He said, drawing 3 tally points on the chalkboard with sky blue chalk. Our team hollered, the other team booed.

"Okay guys, I'll see you at dinner." He walked away with bold steps. The crowds dispersed, and I found myself walking with Ashley.

"I didn't know you could run!" She exclaimed with surprise.

"Yeah, I was number two on my schools varsity track team. I'm not athletic at all, but not to brag, I'm actually really good at running."

"You're telling me." She joked.

"Paige! Paige!" I heard a familiar voice call from a distance away.

I stopped and turned to see Jacob waving his arms and running up to me.

"Jacob!" I squealed.

"P-Paige!" He said, stopping in front of me clearly out of breath, "Sorry. I ca-can't run like you can."

"Thanks?" I thanked questionably.

"Yeah." He exhaled deeply, "So, can me and my friends sit with you guys?"

"Yeah. You too?" I asked.

"I mean, if you really want me to." He said extending the l in really.

"Okay," I laughed, "see you there."

Could he tell my stomach had butterflies? I swear, he could hear my heart racing. I really like him. I barely know anything about him, but I want to know it all.

I turned around to see my friend had left. I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to my cabin, kicking rocks. I watched the pebbles fly after making contact and noticed red liquid running down my leg. I hadn't felt pain, why am I bleeding? I guess in the heat of the moment I didn't pay attention, and didn't feel something slice a spot right above my calf. It was deep, and I needed to wash it and get a band aid.

I headed to Mr. Todd's office to get a bandaid. I walked onto the porch and opened the screen door. The cold air from the AC hit me like a baseball bat. It felt like jumping into the ocean on a hot July day. I headed towards the door which entered his actual office area.

"How could you let this happen?" I heard a muffled deep voice ask, clearly annoyed. It belonged to and angry Mr. Todd.

I walk up and go to knock.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Todd! I didn't know that the girl would be decent! It was beginners luck, next game I'll crush her, I swear!" I heard a familiar young boy voice say. It was one of the boys who tried to kidnap me in capture the flag. What was it? Kyle? Keith? Kadin?

"I hope so, Kevin." Mr. Todd said. Kevin! That's it! Kevin and Justin!

"Don't worry, I won't let the girls stay much longer. This will always be an all boys camp." I heard him say. I crouched down in front of the door and peered through the window slyly.

"Don't let anybody know. Only you two and Matt know. If anybody knew how we felt about girls, we'd be accused of sexism. I mean, not that it's a bad thing, but young women who feel entitled are brain washing girls into thinking they're just as powerful as the men. We're psychically built stronger. Women now these days think they can do the men's work. Just clean our house and make us food, you know?" Mr. Todd claimed.

"Exactly! That's why Aunt Penny is my favorite." Justin said.

"I got lucky with my wife, didn't I? Well, it's best you go know. Try to finish our plan for tonight, so you should hurry along." He said. The boys all got up from their seats and I darted out of that room faster than the first place player in Mario Kart when they see the finish line. I ran out the door just in time, hearing them say something.

"Ew, why is there blood on the floor?" I heard Kevin say in disgust.


Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt