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Okay guys, so I want to make sure I have good and well worked on chapters, but I feel like I never update quick enough. So, I made up a rule. Every 100 reads I get, I'll post! Trust me, it doesn't take to long to reach 100 and I want nice quality chapters. Luv Yah!

"Wake up! You're such a heavy sleeper!" I woke up to the feeling of somebody shaking me, "Somebody grab water! Let's dump it on her!"

I popped out of bed at that comment, "I'm awake!"

The cabin laughed and we all got ready and headed to the hall for breakfast. There were pancakes and whipped cream and syrup, both maple and chocolate! I felt like Malia Obama, so fancy and rich. I sat down and inhaled my pancakes. They were soft and fluffy, they tasted so delicious.

"Hey Paige!" Jacob said, walking over to me wearing the ugliest cowboy hat I've ever seen."

"Howdy there, pardner." I said referring to the hat.

"I lost a bet, okay." He said, pulling off the hat and sitting across from me.

"We can tell." Ashley made fun of him and his face got red.

"I know, it's lame. Reminder kids, don't gamble." He said, acting like a grandpa.

We sat and talked like normal until Kevin and Justin walked over to us.

"Can we sit with you?" They asked. The group of girls all looked at each other, then it clicked!

They still don't know that we heard their talk!

I whispered to Brooke "they don't know I heard them, pass it on!" And they whispered one by one, every girl having an epiphany of remembrance. While we were whispering, Jacob and Mark told them they could sit with us. I did subtle gestures to tell them to try to ignore them and talk as little as possible.

"Follow my lead." I whispered and they all nodded their heads.

"So, what is it, Paige, right? Sorry that I got mad during capture the flag. I'm a sore loser." He said acting shy and love able.

"It's okay." I said bluntly, showing no emotion and shoving for pancakes into my mouth.

"You know, maybe it's because there were never pretty girls here like you to beat me." He fake flirted.

"Maybe." I stated rudely. I shoveled pancakes into my mouth and chewing hardly. Boy, did I want to beat this kid. I just wanted to beat him silly.

"Way to act like you don't know." Brooke whispered to me.

"Sorry. Lemme fix this." I whispered back.

"Wow, babe, I said I'm sorry!" He said, putting his hand up. The way he said babe made me want to puke. He's, like, four. Okay, he's the same age as me but still, thirteen is very young to be saying these things.

"It's okay. Actually, I'm sorry." I lied straight through my teeth, "I hold grudges. But I'm over it."

"Of course you are." He said smirking. This fake flirting made me feel like I was vomiting in my mouth then reswallowing it.

He grabbed my butt and squeezed it, causing me to jump and move away. I looked up to see Jacob walking away. What was that about?

"Oh, does that make you uncomfortable? Sorry, I'll go." He said, running away quickly. Weird.

The second they got up, all the girls squealed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Did you see Jacob? When he was flirting with you he totally got mad! He likes you!" India said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No he doesn't." I laughed and crossed my arms.

"Oh, yes he does. He doesn't shut up about you in our cabin. It's always "Paige, Paige, Paige!". Isn't that right, Weston?" Mark said.

"Hmmm?" Weston said, looking up while shoving his face with waffles, "Oh, yeah, totally."

"Really?" I asked while putting my face into my hands. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Really." Mark answered. The rest of the table indulged into mindless small talk while I sat there finishing my food thinking about Jacob. I couldn't believe it, he actually liked me!

"Okay, well it's almost noon, I think it's time to go back. Paige, the key?" Brooke asked, holding her hand out for me to place it in.

I reached into my back pocket. Nothing. I felt for it in my other pocket, nothing. I quickly began patting my whole body, checking under objects on the table.

"You lost our key?" Harley asked.

"I swear, it was in my back pocket!" I promised them. Ashley's face lit up, and her expression clearly read "anger".

"What?" Everybody asked. She stood there shaking her head.

"Seriously, what?" I asked.

She motioned for us to come close and she whispered to all of us "When they were being creeps and touching your butt, they took our key!"

"Ohhhhhh!" Harley said, and we all got mad.

"We can't let them know that we know about their plan. Let's just go ask for a new key." She said.

"Sure. At least all they did was take our key. That's not too bad." I said, while walking out the door.

"You spoke to soon." Brooke said, her jaw dropped.

Cliff hanger lololol

Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt