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After that whole kissing fiasco, I needed to clear my mind. I went back to my friends and decided to not tell them. It would only cause drama, and believe me, I've already had enough of that.

"Hey! Paige, where were you?" Brooke said.

"Yelling at Jacob, remember?" I answered. She shrugged her shoulders and began to whisper in my ear.

"I remembered the laxative. We gonna do this?"

A smirk crept onto my face. The smirk was a hybrid of devious and malicious. I began walking towards the hall. Actions speak louder than words. She followed my foot steps and we made sure to get there very early for our sabotage.

Few hours later...

"Is it okay if we sit here?" Justin asked with Kevin by his side. I faked a smile, and nodded my head.

Me and Brooklyn began small talk, and then we executed our plan. She opened the bottle under the table secretly, and I said what I needed to say.

"Hey, is that a bird in the hall?" I said, pointing at an area that causes Kevin and Justin to look away.

"Where?" Justin asked, and I went along with it.

"Over there, near the group of campers that are all wearing green!" I lied. Brooklyn began pouring loads of laxative into their drinks and quietly yet quickly stirring.

"I don't see it." Kevin said, turning around right after Brooklyn was done.

"Maybe it wasn't a bird then." I shrugged it off and tried to contain myself from laughing as they both took sips from their Pepsis.

Around ten minutes later, they both tried to play it off cool as if nothing was happening, but their faces turned pale, then their cheeks turned red, and they look oh so queazy.

"I need to, uh, wash this sauce off my hands." Justin said. He had no sauce on his hands.

"Me too." Kevin said, also having zero traces of sauce anywhere on his body. They ran to the boys restroom. Me and Brooklyn laughed hysterically, and a boy named Gavin walked out of the bathroom and shouted "Hey everyone! Kevin and Justin are blowing it up in there!"

Giggles and snorts and everything in between filled the mess hall. "Listen!" Gavin said, opening the door and disgusting sounds filled the hall. There were some gags, but mostly laughs. A putrid smell began to fill the room.

"Close the door, it smells like crap!" Somebody shouted.

"We aren't pooping! We're, uh, beat boxing?" A terrified Kevin said.

"Sure." Gavin said, closing the door.

Me and Brooklyn high fived and walked out of that mess hall like a boss!

Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt