Seven//Girl Captures Animal

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We met up at the main field at 9:30, as directed. Dressed in our blue shirts, shorts, and sneakers, we were dressed for war. Or, at least what it seems like war. Seriously, what is so important about this game?

"Campers, welcome to capture the animal!" Mr Todd said, "Matt already told you the grouping, but I have come here to tell you that the other team is on the other side of the woods, your goal is to capture their rubber chicken and bring it back to your side successfully. If the animal touches the group, you must send it back. The game will start soon, you'll hear the announcement through the speakers up there." He said, pointing to a pull with a giant speaker on it, "So, good luck, talk to your captain."

"Okay kids, just don't get kidnapped and run for your life with that chicken." Matt said.

"Kidnapped?" Harley asked.

"Yeah, you get kidnapped? You didn't know that?" He answered.

"It's okay, Harley, they probably just have to tag us and take us to their 'jail' area." I reassured.

"No, they actually kidnap you. Our games are all out, we used to be a military camp, you know?" Matt said.

My eyes widened, and butterflies filled my stomach. Not in a good way. I wanted to puke, I felt nauseous. How can I do this?

"Campers! The game will start in ten seconds! Ten, nine, eig-"

"Get ready!" Matt yelled. I gulped.

"Four, three, two, one." There was a giant BEEP and everyone began to run. Some stayed to protect the animal, but I just dashed.

I ran through the woods, ducking under branches and jumping over logs. Keeping an eye out for little critters, I sprinted until I saw red. I was terrified, and I lay on the ground behind a fallen tree. Potato bugs and beetles surrounded me, along with plants I didn't know the names to and soggy leaves. I bit my finger, protecting me from breathing too loud.

"I just saw blue, I swear!" I heard a voice say. I became even more scared. I knew the boys would be rough while kidnapping me, which motivated me more to be quiet.

"Sure, Max." I heard a familiar voice say. The voice belonged to Jacob, they cute guy I met yesterday.

"But I swear!" He defended.

"Then where is he?" Jacob asked. They began running away.

"It was a girl! Blonde hair!" Max said, his voice fading away.

"Speaking of girls with blonde hair, I met this girl Paige. She-" His voice faded away and I could no longer hear. I what? What did I do? I wanted to yell out I was what?!

I quickly got up from the leaves, wiping them off me. I made sure to step softly and not make the leaves crumble. I began to run again, seeing  an open field, indicating the red's side. There was a lot of red people, and three blue. I hid behind a tree, watching what was going on. I made my way around to the back of the friend in the process, watching my fellow team mates getting chased.

"Got you!" A boy yelled, dragging a little scrawny boy away. He brought him to this small platform, where the boy would stay. So that's the jail.

The two other boys looked at each other in fear, and ran towards each other planning on putting up a fight. But, twenty against two wouldn't work. One blue boy saw me, and he subtly motioned his head to the chicken. While the Reds were attacking the blues, I crept to the chicken. I crawled, thinking this resembles the bloods and the crips which really creeps me out. I crawled on the ground, slowly getting to my feet and reaching my hand out to grab the chicken.

"Blue!" A boy shouted and pointed at me. I looked up in terror to see a crowd of reds swarming after me. I shrieked and grabbed the chicken, running into the woods.

I sprinted, jumping and ducking once again, twisting and turning so I could confuse the Reds. I turned behind to see two boys right behind me, they could almost touch me. I turned back to see a rock, right next to a tree.

If only I could get into that tree. It's my only way to make it. I made up my mine to get into the tree, so I quickly ran onto the rock and jumped into the tree, quickly scrambling onto branches, from tree to tree, the boys right under me trying to jump up and get me.

"Kevin, get in the tree!" The boy yelled.

"You aren't in the tree either!" Kevin yelled back.

"Fine, we'll both go in the tree!" The other retorted. They ran back to my starting point. I quickly went onto three trees ahead of me while the attempted to get onto the tree. The second they turned around not looking at me I returned to the ground, running farther. I saw my field and ran.

"Justin! Get her!" Kevin yelled.

"I am!" Justin said, jumping to the ground chasing after me. I ran faster and faster until I could feel my legs.

"A blue has a chicken!" One of my teammates yelled. Soon they all were cheering an running towards me. Some got to Kevin and Justin and kept them from getting me. I was just ten feet away from the field, and I closed my eyes pushing myself to the last ten feet.

"Let's go!"

"You got this!"

"The girl has it!"

And finally, I made it too my field. I was attacked with hugs, some people even picked me up!

"You did it! What's your name?" A kid asked.

"Paige." I managed to say.

"Paige got us ten points! Paige! Paige! Paige! Paige!" They all started chanting and I laughed, trying to fight the huge smile coming into my face.

"Yeah, yeah. Beginners luck." Kevin sassed. I rolled my eyes, and turned around to see Jacob and Max.

"Good job, Paige." Jacob said.

"Thanks." I smiled, and he walked away. I heard Max tease Jacob and say "get what you need!"

Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt