Three // Camp Harrison

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"Paige! Paige wake up! We're almost there!" I woke to the sound of Ashley's voice, and her shaking me.

"What?" I asked, still half asleep.

"We're almost at camp, let's go!" Ashley pestered, and I rolled my eyes. I really hate being waken up, no matter what you woke me up for. You could tell me that Barack Obama is at my door waiting to give me as much money as I wanted and a super cute boy was there to ask me out while the Pope was standing there waiting to give me a new puppy and I'd still hate you for waking me up.

I slowly became fully awake, and just in time. We pulled into a little dirt road off a very vacant highway, surrounded by trees. All the girls gathered at the windows of the buses, looking at the camp. The camp had many cabins, and one large cabin that was very long, which was surrounded by a creek which lead off to some where unknown. There was a fire pit, which had logs around it. There was a volleyball court, a tether ball stand, and a horse shoe pit.

"Hey, guys?" Harley asked, "Why does that sign say Camp Harrison?"

"What?" I asked, looking at the sign she was pointing at. Sure enough, it said Camp Harrison.

"I don't know. Maybe Camp Willow used to be called Camp Harrison?" Ashley guessed, and we nodded our head in agreement. The bus stopped at a spot in front of a cabin, which I'm assuming was the sign in office. We all left our bags on the bus, and went into the office. We were being stared at, people were pointing and whispering.

"What's wrong?" India whispered to me.

"I don't know." I answered back, opening the door to the office. I was greeted by the smell of artificial pine trees, and we walked to the man sitting at his desk.

"Excuse me?" Brooklyn asked, getting the mans attention.

"Hi. Is this an emergency because we don't allow visitors after any children are dropped off, unless you have brothers being dropped off?" The man asked, but he made the rude question seem nice.

"Um, no? We're being dropped off. We're here for camp." Brooklyn said.

The man chuckled, "Very funny girls. But I don't have time for jokes."

"We aren't joking." I retorted, getting annoyed.

"Girls, in case you didn't know, this is an all boys camp." He said and we all looked at each other in confusion.

"That can't be correct, our parents signed us up and they didn't say anything about Camp Willow being an all boys camp." Ashley said.

"Camp Willow? That's six hundred miles away, girls. This is Camp Harrison, the second biggest all boys camp in the country." The man said. All of us looked at each other in panic.

"Please tell me you're kidding!" Ashley cried.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" The man said coldly.

"I don't know, your face looks funny. And when people are kidding it's meant to be funny." I whispered and all the girls laughed. How did they hear that?

"Excuse me?" The man said, causing fear to flood through my body, "What did you just say?"

"I said your face looks funny." I said confidently and the room filled with 'oohs'.

"This is why I don't allow girls in my camp. You are all rude and cause drama! I'm calling for you to be transported to Camp Willow immediately!" He yelled, "Matt!"

"Yes, Mr. Todd?" A man in his young twenties said, popping out of a room.

"Send these girls away to Camp Willow!" The man, who's name I now know is Todd, yelled at him.

"Sorry sir, but Camp Willow stops using all technology such as phones and internet starting today throughout the whole summer." Matt said.

"You're kidding?" Todd said.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Matt said, mocking the conversation he obviously overheard.

"You know I can fire you in an instant, correct?" He remarked.

"Sorry, sir. But no, I'm very serious. Looks like these girls have to stay here." He said, walking back into his office.

"Well, girls, looks like you're staying here for summer." Ashley said.

"No! Not in my camp! No girls! Ever!" He said, "You're going home!"

"Wow, that's sexist." India said.

"No it's not, it's just that it's an all bo-"

"Wow, when we tell people the word will spread quick. Camp Harrison owner is sexist!" Harley said, and we all nodded or heads.

"What?" He said, "You have it all wrong! I ju-"

"Yeah, and boy will this camp go down hill. He'll be more hated than Donald Trump." I said.

"Fine! You guys can stay! But you'll have to adjust to the atmosphere. It was built to only accommodate guy needs." He said, going back to his desk, "Now leave! Go find Oscar and have him show you to Cabin L, that cabin will be available."

"Yay!" Brooklyn squealed, quickly running out of the door. We all followed after her, on our way to find Oscar.

    We stopped and asked people if they knew where Oscar was, yet nobody knew where he was.

"Do you know where Oscar is?" I asked somebody, and he laughed.

"Yes." He laughed, "I am Oscar."

"Oh, I'm sorry you looked so young." I said embarrassed.

"Thanks?" He laughed, "What do you need?"

"Well Mr. Todd told us to ask you to show us to Cabin L, that's where we'll be staying I guess." I said.

"Cabin L? You guys?" Oscar laughed, "You're girls? And Cabin L haven't been used in years, it's trash!"

"Well, we are staying here. So, like I said before, show us to Cabin L." I said sassily. People get on my nerves very easily.

"I don't like to be sassed. I suggest you stop." He scolded.


"Stop talking!" He interrupted me. He then motioned us to follow him. We trailed after him, waiting to get to the cabin.

Summer Camp ♡ Jacob SartouriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt