Chapter 2

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Have you ever dreamt of the sun but felt safe beneath the rain?

After about an hour of just staring at the screen, never really seeing anything, I decided to pick myself up and go for a drive. I grabbed the keys on the table by the door and my trench coat before walking down the few steps that lead to the small Toyota car sitting in our driveway.

Turning the key in the ignition, I felt the shiver run through my body at the feel of freedom.

Since the first time I ever sat behind a wheel and felt the intense power and freedom that came with driving I haven't discovered anything that made me feel so alive. I placed the car in drive and smoothly maneuvered it onto the deserted street. After driving around for hours I finally focused on my surroundings and realized I was a block away from my mom's house. I slowly drove the small distance before parking and I just sat there as I looked up at the familiar building.

When the internal debate was over I reluctantly got out, secured my car and walked up the small steps to the side door. Without knocking, I walked in and I was ever sorry I did. I almost gagged at the sight before me and I was unable to stop myself.

"Oh my gosh!" I shrieked, completely taken aback by what I saw.

My mother quickly scrambled off the man she had been bouncing on and I covered my eyes in an attempt to not choke on my own vomit.

"Janey, what are you doing here?" She stammered, quickly trying to cover her nakedness as I tried not to hyperventilate.

"I just came by to talk to you but obviously his golden shaft was way more entertaining."

I peeked out through my fingers and exhaled when they were fully clothed.

"Who the heck is he?" I accused as I stared daggers at the muscular intruder that moments ago, had my mother moaning out her profanities.

"This is Trent." She stated and I continued to eyeball him as I impatiently waited for her to further explain.

"Trent is the hospital's Dean of Medicine and chief administrator." She finished softly and my once daggered eyes turned wide as it shifted between my mother and 'Trent'.

"Oh my gosh!" I shouted for the second time. "You're sleeping with your boss?!"

The accusatory tone in my voice was very evident and I watched as a very uncomfortable 'Trent' shrunk into his seat. My mother's once downcast eyes jerked up to mine and I felt sick as the memories of what just happened plagued my mind. I ran from the room and into the kitchen, only stopping when I reached the sink and I dry heaved as my stomach wanted to empty its contents but there were none.

I heard my mother's soft footsteps as they came closer and when she gently touched my back I jerk violently away as the memory of where her hands went plagued my once innocent mind.

"Don't touch me." I gritted out and I knew she tensed.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled before her soft feet retreated.

I held on to the sides of the sink as my body went into overdrive with me hyperventilating and I felt like a drunk girl who just couldn't throw up. When I had finally calmed down and I pushed the visions to the farthest, darkest part of my mind, I sat down on the floor and buried my head between my legs.

I heard my mom quietly enter and my heart rate increased rapidly.

"Janey? Can we please talk?"

My head snapped up and I felt such indescribable anger that I physically had to bite in my insults. I narrowed my eyes at her and stood before storming out and heading to my car. I drove off in such a hurry that I was surprised I hadn't ended up in an accident or gotten pulled over on my way home.

It was just after nine when I pulled into my driveway and I sat silently in the car as my body felt numb. My mind kept going back to visions that I'd rather forget and I snapped my eyes shut in hopes of clearing my mind. No such luck. The images became so vivid that it was scary.

I saw my mother's head thrown back as she clutched her lover; long black hair flowing as she moved up and down. Even though it was just a glimpse my mind had captured every moment as a painter does with his canvas and I saw the way his hands had been wrapped around her neck as his mouth munched down on her tip.

I rolled my eyes as the visions refused to vanish and plugged my ears up as I blasted my eardrums with the loud sounds of Troye Sivan. I figured I had been out long enough so I locked the car; a car that my mom had gotten me just a few short weeks ago.

"You need a car Janey, transportation is pretty expensive in the city and I'd feel a lot safer if you girls had a car."

"Fine mom, if you insist. I just hope you didn't break the bank buying this."

"It's second hand dear, and if you two are going to work and rent a house, the least I can do is get you a means of transportation."

Well at least I know our bank's safe. She probably screwed for the cut. I shook my head at how quick I was to make my mom into a low lying hooker.

Rolling my head around to release the pressure in my neck, I pulled out my keys as I quietly entered the house. It wasn't all that late but I didn't want my cousin waking up and freaking out about some intruder, especially since Veronica would already have left. I dropped the keys onto the table before absentmindedly looking up.

"Oh fuck my life!" I shouted as I pulled my earplugs out.

My freshly 'un-hospitalized' cousin was having sex with her girlfriend on the couch that just a few hours ago, I had occupied.

I rolled my eyes in frustration and annoyance as I stormed over to my room, anger clearly evident on my face. I ignored the people who were now scampering to cover themselves and I didn't even stop as Carrie called out my name. Slamming my door, I locked it and switched off the lights before face planting myself onto my bed and allowing the darkness to consume me.

Today had been a long day and I just wanted it to be over.

I was dumped by my first, walked in on my mom in some creepy sex fantasy and then found my cousin having gay sex on one of my favorite spots in the house.

I groaned at the thought that I could never again look at that seat the same way.

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