Chapter 14

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I am constant in my inconsistency.

I awoke to the slow movement near me and my eyes cautiously opened to see Ryder sitting at the edge of my bed as he slips on his clothes. His small back muscles cloud my visions and I smile as he stands up to pull his pants on. His small bum is well toned and I roll onto my stomach as I continued to stare at him.

"Good morning." I say as he turns to face me. "What time is it?"

"Hey babe, it's nearly six. I gotta get home to get ready for work." He replies in his sexy, gruff morning voice.

"Do you have too? I mean, you can just climb back into bed and we could go for round... Four?"

Ryder smirks and braces the vanity behind him and I'm distracted by the rippling of his muscles and abs, not to mention, his jeans were still unbuttoned and he looked completely sexual.

"As much as I'd love too, you know how much I need this job. Maybe tonight?"

He leans in to kiss me and the sheet that once covered my naked body slips down. I hear the groan that escapes his lips and he trails sweet kisses along my cheeks, neck and shoulder before swiftly standing and completed dressing.

When he's got all the necessary clothing on he gives me one last kiss and heads out. Falling back against the soft pillows, I let out a long sigh as I stared at my ceiling. I really didn't want to go to work today but I knew that lying in bed as a way of escaping life wouldn't be the perfect excuse for my boss.

Groaning, I finally get up to get ready for the day since my loving cousin is gone for the week. The sheet falls from around me and I head to the bathroom where I turned on the shower before pulling my hair in a bun and stepping in. The hot water was therapeutic to my tense muscles and I groan in satisfaction as I feel myself starting to relax.

Maybe leaving the house won't be that bad?

Two hours later I was pulling onto the busy streets and I glanced at the car time to see it was two minutes to eight. I had until nine and I cruised to enjoy my surroundings since I hated Mondays, not to mention, it was somehow the busiest day at the clinic.

I vaguely noticed the people hurrying to catch the early morning buses on their way to work, the ones on their early morning runs, the couples sharing their last goodbye kiss as they departed, or the people walking their dogs. It was a beautiful morning and happy to say, the sun was not as torturous as it normally would be.

I became distracted from my distractions as my favorite song, A Thousand Miles, started playing on the throwback station and I turned the music full blast as I sped off, ignoring the looks from other drivers and passerby's. My hands were drumming away on my steering wheel and my head was moving from side to side as I belted out the lyrics in my out of tune voice.

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way
Through the crowd

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

My head was thrown back as I pulled up at a stop sign and I ignored the man in the red Chevy next to me as I horribly sang the next lines.

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you

I sped off towards my destination and I was surprised that my voice wasn't hoarse yet. As I passed a traffic police eating a donut and sipping his coffee, I smiled brightly as I slowed down but still continued to sing the next part.

And I, I
Don't want to let you know
I, I
Drown in your memory
I, I
Don't want to let this go
I, I

I pulled into my parking space, a huge smile on my face as I turned my car off before stepping out and locking it. I felt so amazing for some strange reason and for once in my life I actually wanted to go to work on a Monday morning. As I entered, I saw the familiar faces of our steady visitors and unsurprisingly there were some new ones. Saying my good mornings I quickly walked towards my boss's office and wasn't surprised when he wasn't there.

I headed towards my small little office and pulled on my assistant's coat as I headed towards the first door on my right. As I got to work the day quickly went by and before long the wall clock struck two. I pulled off my gloves as I headed to the waiting area and I blew out a frustrated breath as I saw the many animals still to be seen.

I reluctantly headed to my office where I pulled out my PBJ sandwich and hastily dug in. I knew that Mr. P was hands deep in work but if I didn't get food, the hulk in me might soon make an appearance. Swallowing my homemade smoothie, I quickly wiped my mouth before heading back and once more we lost track of time.

At five the last animal was tended too and I blew out a breath as I was finally able to sit down. Pulling off my wedges, I rubbed at my sore feet as my boss discarded his gloves before washing his hands.

"You look really tired." Mr. P says as he gulps his water. I smile as his large tummy moves with every swallow before I once again focused on rubbing my feet.

"I never like Mondays, it's always very tiring."

"Well." He chuckled. "At least it only happens one day a week."

He touches my shoulder lightly before he heads off to his office to eat his lunch. My shoulder sags and I let out a really long sigh as I feel the tiredness being radiated through my body. I needed a good massage and I vaguely wondered if I should get one.

Deciding against it, I headed towards the front so that I could lock up before any other person drops by. As soon as that's completed I get ready to head home, satisfied that I did an entire day of work.


I'm home and I'm exhausted. I drop my keys onto the table as I closed the door behind me and I slowly made my way towards the bathroom. I barely managed to drive all the way home and the enthusiasm I had earlier this morning had long since disappeared. I was too tired to even make myself dinner so instead I settled for ordering pizza before I took a hot bath.

When I had soaked in the tub long enough I dragged myself to my bedroom and without drying my skin, laid on the all too tempting bed. My eyes drooped closed and before long I started to see sheep hopping about in a very green meadow. I jumped awake to the banging on my door and groaned loudly before I remembered I'd ordered pizza.

Pulling on my robe, I quickly grabbed the cash and pulled the door open. The young teenager popped his gum before angrily handing me the pizza and collected the money.

I closed the door and placed the heavy smelling pizza on the coffee table before grabbing my laptop and a bottle of juice and settling comfortably onto the sofa. As soon as I typed in my password there was a notification from one of my channels on YouTube and I quickly clicked on the video as I recognized the youtuber.

I was biting into my cheese and pineapple pizza when it started and literally a minute into it everything was forgotten as I became captivated by the message being spoken and the speaker who emphasized them. My heart was racing, my blood pumped profusely, my eyes unblinking as word after word washed over me.

As the video came to an end, a tear had escaped and I pressed the repeat button as I never wanted it to end. After the third watch my brain finally started to work again and I was fast to comment on iisuperwomanii's latest video, How To Be a Bawse, book promo.

All the sleep was gone from my eyes and my computer told me it was almost nine. After binge watching a few of my favorite youtubers I decided to watch a few movies and before I knew it the place grew dark as my eyes closed.

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