Chapter 30

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When all else fails, trust yourself.

I squealed like a little girl before running and hugging my family. The verdict was in; Anthony was found guilty of aggravated assault, attempted murder, possession of a weapon on school grounds, rape, and trying to evade arrest. The jury gave him 25 to life and I couldn't be happier. The entire courtroom was happy with the justice system and even aunt Rosa gave both Carr and Roni a hug.

Carrie and I exchanged smiles before she was once again engulfed in hugs. The room started thinning out as persons still needed to be at work, so I headed to the cafeteria to wait on the others. I bought a donut and sprite before sitting towards the back of the room and just as I took my last bite, the winning group walked in.

Veronica's parents were locked in conversation with Carrie's and her brother was actually talking to my cousin, Darcy and herself; something he rarely did. They spotted me and made their way over as the two men went to buy food for the group.


"Hey mom." I said cautiously, making sure to avoid eye contact.

She sat adjacent to me and Aunt Rosa took the seat right next to her. They saved a seat for Uncle Austin and Veronica's mom saved a seat for her husband. There was no surprise when Darcy sat next to me and everyone else seemed oblivious as the remaining chairs were filled by my cousin, her girlfriend, and her brother.

"So, do you have work today?" My mom asked as the men rejoined us.

"Am... Yes, but my boss gave me the day off."

"Oh, okay."

"How's that boyfriend of yours?" Aunt Rosa asked and I barely withheld my cough.

"Ryder? He's... Good."

This time Darcy did cough and I kicked her foot to silence her. We might be doing things that we shouldn't have but she needed to know I wasn't with her and I hadn't left him yet... Yet? Was I going to?

Our table plunged into silence as everyone ate but my family won't be my family without a little drama.

"So, how long did you know your daughter was gay?" Aunt Rosa asked and both Mrs. Wilson and Caleb choked on their individual meals.

"Am... Well... She told me a few days after she left the hospital." Mrs. Wilson commented.

"And you?"

"Am... Donna told me."

"How did you guys react to the news?"

"Rosa, that's enough."

"No, it's okay Mr. Paige. I wasn't that shocked; I mean, I didn't really know before then but when she told me it didn't make a difference. She is my daughter and once she's happy... So am I."

"But she's happy doing the wrong things."

"And what's that?"

"It's a sin to be intimate with the same sex-"

"Ah, but it is also a sin to do so many other things. It would be unfair to tell someone to stop doing one thing when others do other things. Even us as parents sin, but because it's not the same we think we can get away with it... It's all the same in the end."

"But lesbians?"

"Look, I really didn't want to say anything. I'm a man that don't usually get involved when it comes to my children and their love lives but it's Veronica's choice and we're okay with it."

"You're okay with it?"

"Yes. Aren't you okay with your daughter?"

"I love my daughter, not what she is."

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