Chapter 20

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Our hearts beat as one. Don't deny us... Please.
-A. E



This chapter is completely vulgar and may be racist to some people... I know, humans are that sensitive. If you feel insulted or whatever, keep it to yourself.

I know nothing of bdsm but I'm researching and I'm trying my best. If I mess up, let me know and if you know more, message me.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled program.



Grabbing my keys, I headed to the front door and lock it securely behind me before getting into my car. I drove for a few minutes until I reached pepper street and I pulled into the parking lot of the Blank Panthers club. It was barely after one and the place was getting set up for the night scene as I walked over to the first person I saw.

"Hi, I'm here to drop off a phone for Darcy Mathews."

The bartender doesn't spare me a glance but points to the burly man coming from upstairs. "Ask him."

"Hey this place is closed ma'am."

"I know, I'm just here to drop off a phone."

"Who's it for?"

"Darcy Matthews."

He goes towards a computer near the side of the bar and does some checking before asking me to follow him. We head up to the fifth floor before stopping at a thick, huge mahogany door and he tells me to go in before heading back downstairs. I place my ears to the door in hopes of hearing anything but it's quiet and I guessed they were preparing for the night scene as well.

I opened the door and was confused as to what was happening. There were sex noises coming from all over, which was surprising considering the fact that I couldn't hear a thing a second ago. The walls were all painted red but the doors were all black and from the looks of things, they were a lot of doors. I didn't know how I was supposed to find Darcy but I couldn't just leave the phone at the front desk because there was none.

I pushed open the door closest to me and stood frozen as I was confused by the sights. The room was dimly lit and the blood red walls made it that much difficult to see. I heard the many moans and groans and I gave my eyes time to adjust to my scenery. There were shelves upon shelves with various toys and leather items and I tried my best to look for Darcy but my search was short lived as my eyes connected to the scene before me.

There was a table looking bed thing completely made of leather that a man was lying on and the only thing holding it was a few straps on the ceiling. He wore a dark blue collar around his neck and straps around his torso that looked painfully tight. His mouth was secured with a ball that had leather going around his head and a tall, insanely beautiful woman was fucking him with a strapon.

He stroked his hard black cock as she fiercely fucked him and I saw his face contort as if in pain but before I could react she pulls out. Seconds later she finger fucks him and once again he groaned at the pleasure. She was calling him all sorts of name but when she stuck those same fingers in his mouth after removing the ball, I knew I'd seen enough.

I walked further into the room and still no one really spared me a glance. I'd never seen this many people naked and I was a bit weirded out at the mixture of straight and gay people in here.

I slowed my steps as my curiosity got the best of me and I stood near a draped off section and peered in. There were several people all having sex together but a pair immediately caught my eyes.

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