Chapter 22

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She is made up of depths even the ocean can't fathom.


I sat at the breakfast table; head in my hand as I propped sorrow and the beating of the rain against the windows saddening my already bland mood. I didn't want to go to work. Idly picking at my cereal, I stared into space as I contemplated the meaning of life.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

I turned to see Carrie step into the kitchen as she struggled with her earrings. "Nothing."

"It can't be nothing and you're propping sorrow." She takes the chair next to me and places both hands on the island top. "Talk to me."

"He's out."

"Who's out?"

"My dad."

"Oh. My. Gosh. When?"

I sigh deeply as I tried to keep my tears at bay. "I got a call from mom." Carrie pulls me into a hug and I stare at the counter as my body felt drained.

He was out. That's all my brain had on repeat. The man who brought hell to earth for both me and my mom, was out. The moment I had dreaded for ten years was finally here and my body was numb with emotions.

Today was not going to be a good day.

"Did you tell Ryder?"

I shook my head before staring at my hands, seeing nothing.

"Why not? He deserves to know sweetie."

I stay silent and she kisses my temple before grabbing some on the go breakfast. "Do you want me to catch a taxi or are you up to drive?"

"I'll drive you." I say, my words empty.

I pull her into a quick lifeless hug as it finally dawned on me that she was starting her job today. Heading out, the car ride was silent and long as the traffic built up and the rain increased its loud downpour. Carrie lets me know she won't be home tonight since she's spending her time with Veronica and her mom afterwork and I just nodded.


I turned to face her as we pulled up to the famous publications building.

"Why don't you invite Ryder over? Or maybe you can just hang out with one of your other friends... Okay?"


She kisses me on my temple and quickly dashed into her building. I drive off slowly in the direction of work and half an hour later I was parking my car. I quickly headed inside and shook out my raincoat and umbrella from all the rain. The skies were an ugly shade of grey and I knew that we were only feeling the beginning of the storm that I was sure, was on its way.

I nodded and smiled my greetings to the familiar pet owners before walking into the back and pulling on my assistant's coat. Today the new staff had arrived and I was grateful that Mr. P had more people to help out here. I smiled at the new receptionist before heading towards my boss's room.

"Good morning Jane."

"Hi." I responded, stopping at his room. I nodded to Mrs. Doodie as she bit her nails. She never liked watching her cat get shots. He was her life.

"I see you made it out of the rain okay."

"Yeah, it's raining cats and dogs out there."

I smiled when I saw his shoulder moved and I knew he was laughing silently. I left him and headed towards the back room to check the charts before beginning my time consuming task. I entered and noticed the second staff, Mr. P's nephew and I said my greetings as I got to work. He was checking on the animals and making sure that none of them were any worse that they were the day before. I took an account for the worse off ones and the ones that died during the night and when I'd done that, I began shuffling through the medication and gave the new guy the recommended shots for the animals that needed them.

I noted that only ten animals were getting released today and I sighed as we still had a lot more that would stay through the upcoming storm.

"I wish I could stay with you guys tonight." I said as I checked on the animals I'd grown attached too. Pete stares at me and I sighed once more before continuing with my task.

It wasn't until six pm that I was putting my feet up on my desk for a ten minutes break. I snuggled deeper in the chair and exhaled as I looked at the desk load of files before me. I had promised to do them since last week but I always had an excuse and well, the pile grew. This would take me a few days to get through and if I didn't get started I might never finish. Sighing in defeat, I took my feet down, loosened my coat and got to work. Two hours later and I didn't even put a dent in the pile.

I groaned loudly just as my boss's head popped around the door.

"You're still here?" He asked as he stepped in.

"Yea, I gotta finish up with these files before the ending of next week so I'm just trying to push as much out as possible."

He looked from my desk to me and back again. "Well, lock up when you're done."

I nodded and before long I heard the slamming of the outer door signally that I was the last person in the building. I was in no rush to go home through this storm only to be home alone so I got up and made a fresh batch of coffee just as I saw a flash of lightning and heard the loud thunder.

Jumping, I spilled some of the hot coffee over my hand and I dropped the glass as it burned me.

"Son of a bitch." I shouted as I sucked on the area.

Running my hand under cold water I swept up the glass and wiped the floor. I heard something slam against the main door and I headed over to check just in case a tree had fallen from the heavy winds.

I grabbed the door keys and headed to the front. Unlocking the doors quickly I pulled it open and stood frozen as I saw Darcy standing dripping wet with an injured golden retriever in her hands.

The white tee that she wore was completely drenched and stuck to her skin revealing the dark tips underneath. I snapped out of my trance as she dashed past me and placed the pup onto one of the operating tables. Closing the door from the cold winds and harsh rains, I headed towards her just as she turned to face me.

"What happened?" I asked and she bit her lips nervously.

"I hit him." She replied and I could see she was starting to tremble.

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