Chapter 8

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I was never good at following rules but just say the word and I'm yours forever.

Her lips were unbelievably soft yet firm at the same time and she weirdly tasted like salted chips and sprite. I felt her trying to nudge my mouth apart and I willingly parted them. I expected to feel her tongue brushing against mine but instead, I felt her nibble my bottom lip and I heard myself moan.

She was gentle yet so domineering that it was easy to just let her take control and follow her lead. Her hands were suddenly on my bare skin and I felt myself heat up as she pushed me against the wall before slipping her fingers in my hair and releasing it from the ponytail.

I moaned again as she roughly pulled my head up to her and her free hand cupped my butt. Our tongues finally met and a shiver ran down my body as her hands were now gently tracing lines up and down my back and across my sides.

She pulled away from me and I stared up at her as my heart hammered away. The room, even though noisey, was eerily quiet and I swore I could have heard even a pin if it had dropped. She smiled at me and my eyes zeroed in on her mouth that had just given me a taste of sin.

Slipping my fingers up to her hair, I released it from its own bun and smirked as I saw the hairpins falling as her hair was freed. Her luscious brown/black hair stopped at her shoulders and the softness of them had me grasping tightly.

Darcy groaned roughly and my unfocused eyes shifted back to hers. I never before saw her as attractive or even been this close to her to notice anything other than her sense of style; but right now, as her eyes beheld my own and I got lost in the deepens of a black starry night, I grew lost for words.

I slowly ran a gentle finger along her face and my heart skipped a beat when her eyes fluttered shut, her short lashes barely touching her face. Her mouth; slightly opened to form her silent moan and I felt her body pressed against mine as her back arched. Smirking, I allowed my loopy head to rest against her shoulders and right on cue she exposed her neck.

I always wondered if she was capable of getting hickeys and as I stroked her neck and felt her shiver, I tested my theory.

I bit, I sucked, I caressed, I nibbled.

I licked, I kissed, she moaned, she mumbled.

Out of no where, I felt her fingers palpate my breasts and I moaned against her neck as she expertly brought them to a tight, erect standpoint. We both ignited in each other our darkest pleasures and the room heard our cries.

I was too drunk to think rationally and before long, her lips were once again connected to mine.


My insides felt like they were slowly burning and although my eyes were closed, I still felt dizzy. Wherever I was felt hot and my eyes flew open as my stomach no longer was able to keep its content. I vaguely registered the human form lying beside me as I hurriedly crossed over and headed for the door that I hoped was the bathroom.

Pushing it open, I ran to the sink as my body started to convulse.

My stomach burned, my throat burned, my soul burned.

I was surprised that my head wasn't hurting after all the drinking I did last night but after an hour of vomiting and still no end in sight, I figured this was punishment enough.

Tears were already springing from my eyes from how tightly I had them shut and I really wished I hadn't drank so much. When my tummy had finally calmed I washed away the monstrosity before pulling open the cupboard and looking for a spare toothbrush. After I found that and spread some paste on top, I brushed away at my tongue and teeth with such ferocity it was a miracle my mouth was still intact.

I dropped the toothbrush on the counter and headed back to the room where I found Darcy sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"Hey you." I greet as I finally take in the room.

"Hi." She respond shyly.

The room was huge and for a second I thought it was the master room. It was painted baby blue with white edgings and there was a floor to ceiling mirror near the window. The chest of drawing was too big to belong to some kid but the desk that housed nearly fifty books had me reconsidering.

"I'm guessing we slept here?" I asked as I pulled open the only other door in the room.

It belonged to a walk in closet and weirdly, it was empty.

"Is the house about to be foreclosed?" I turned to Darcy who was still sitting silently on the bed.

She stared at me shocked before speaking and her words caught me off guard.

"You don't remember what happened last night, do you?"

"Oh gosh, please tell me I didn't have sex with some random guy! Because that was one reason why I was holding onto my virginity. I'm a little bit of a freak and I really can't hold my liquor. Thank God that Ryder was my boyfriend and respected my wishes and never took advantage of me."

I stopped my mad rambling when I notice that Darcy was nervously biting her lip as she stared off into space.

"Oh God, I did!"


Her head snapped to my direction and her eyes were wide.

"No, no. You didn't."

"So why are you looking at me like that, again?"

"I-I, it's... Nothing." She took a deep breath and got up. "You were just dancing with like, everybody."

I exhaled as a flood of relief took over my body. "At least I don't have to feel ashamed when I talk to Ryder. Speaking of which, I gotta see him this afternoon... Are you good to drive?"

"I don't drink."

"Right." I walk over to the bathroom but stop and once again turned to face her. "Thanks for staying with me and ensuring I didn't do anything stupid. You're a good gay friend."

I smiled at her before closing the door behind me.

She really was.

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