Chapter 3

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Have you ever just watched the Eagles in their flight and wished you could soar on high?

The incessant beeping of my alarm clock had me sitting up in an angry daze and I stared daggers at the now broken alarm lying by my bed. Rolling my eyes in frustration I reluctantly made my way to the bathroom and I washed my hands and face after using the toilet before heading to the kitchen.

It was just after five and I was the only one up. I grabbed the coffee maker and prepared to make some tea while I made breakfast and tidied the house. When I was done opening all the windows, cleaning the kitchen and straightening the living room, I sat at the island and munched on my egg sandwich as I read the morning paper and sipped my tea.

Ten minuets later I was out the door for my early morning run. My heart monitor was on, my calories were being burned, my hair was up and Sam smith blared in my eardrums as I ran around the block. By the time I was done with my sets, my body was drenched in sweat and I felt my stress ease a bit.

I pushed the loose strand of hair from my face as I walked up towards the house, nodding to the blaring music of one of my favorite artiste.

I walked straight into my room and wasn't surprised to see Carrie as she sat patiently on my bed.

"I really need to get a lock; apparently you have no idea what boundaries mean."

"Jane... I think we should talk."

"Thanks but no thanks. Imma be late for work so... Yea." I walked past her and grabbed a towel as I started to strip out of my gear before wrapping it around me and heading to the bathroom. I heard my bedroom door close and I exhaled.

She let it go for now but I was sure by the time I came back from work, she'd be all up my ass.

Putting my phone on speaker, I allowed the room to be filled with sweet music before I stepped under the direct blaze of the warm water that seemed to set my soul on fire. I closed my eyes and allowed the water therapy to massage away the stiffness of my muscles as I let out a worthy moan.


An hour later I was pulling into the small animal clinic where I worked and I wasn't surprised to see my boss already busy. He had scheduled today to do surgeries so I was assigned the task of general checkups for the recovering and visiting pets.

A few hours later and I was wearily sitting as my lunch arrived. I inhaled the delectable scent of my curly fries before cracking my neck.

It seemed everyday more and more animals were getting sick and since mating season was a short while ago, many were 'expecting'.


I looked up to see Darcy standing at my doorway and I smiled as I acknowledged her signature dark jeans and t-shirt.

"Hey, you joining me for lunch?"

"Rumor has it, you've had a busy night."

"Really? Rumors will be the death of society." I laughed as she pulled a chair and sat next to me.

She had walked with her own lunch and I knew Carrie sent her in hopes of softening my cold heart.

"So." I began. "What'd you hear?"

"That you walked in on Vic and Carr... Doing the dirty." She wiggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You heard right."

"Since when are you mad at those things?"

"I'm not mad it's just that a few short hours ago, I had walked in on my mom and her boss."

"Ouch, that must have sucked."

"Well, when you have a memory like mine, it's the worst."

"So you're not mad or grossed out at them?"

"No. Although, I will never again sit on that couch. It's probably filled with lez juices."

"That's so gross on so many levels."


We both laughed and I almost choked on my fries as a person came into view.

"Ryder." I stated shocked.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?"

For some reason a mixture of emotions blew up in me and I narrowed my eyes at him as I stormed over to the door. Grabbing his arms, I roughly lead him away from the door so Darcy wouldn't overhear us.

"How dare you come at my workplace after your dumb ass bitch move you damn skank." I sneered.

"I was trying to call you but you wouldn't answer your phone, and you shouldn't be calling me names when you haven't even let me explain my side of the story J."

"Explain your side of the story? Do I look like some stupid lovesick orangutan? No! You dumped me after I gave you the only thing you wanted out of this relationship."


"No! I'm not done yet! I gave my all to you, I loved you, wanted to spend my life with you but what did you do?"


"What! What did you do Ry?"

"J, if you-"

"You broke my heart. You-"

"Oh shut up and listen!"

My hand stopped in mid air, my eyebrow rose, my heart slowed and I felt steam pouring out of my nose and ears.

Did he just?

"Before you continue to blatantly bash me, the least you can do is let me talk. After more than a year of us being together, you owe me that."

I folded my arms and puffed out my chest as I narrowed my eyes, waiting for him to start.

"Good. Geez, women are so damn- Anyhow, I was chilling at Diego's house and we were drinking. Now I said I wouldn't drink but what can I say, the guy has some sort of compelling power. Anyhow, I got drunk and his sister Macy went through my phone and started sending random messages to people."

I looked at him skeptically and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious Bae, just check the ones my mother got. Look, I would never use you that way and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you didn't know the truth. Just ask Diego."

I turned away from him as I tried to collect my bearings just as Darcy popped her head around the corner.

"Hey, don't mean to be rude but I was just checking to see if you were alive back here."

"I'm fine Darce."

"I meant him."

I looked up at her and she failed to hide her smirk before she winked at me and walked away. Turning back to Ryder I watched as he cautiously awaited my response and I took a deep breath as I looked at his dark orbs.

"Look, Ryder."

"Just don't break up with me because of some stupid mistake... I've already had to deal with so many people. Just, just lets be together... You know I love you."

"And I love you-"


He pulled me into a kiss that I was totally unprepared for and my heart raced and slowed at the same time. I wanted to forgive him but at the same time I couldn't see past those two words. And why didn't he apologize to me first? And why was he even at Diego's house? That boy was bad news.

I pulled away from him and looked everywhere but those soulful, captivating eyes. "I need time."


"I'm sorry."

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