
108 14 6

Location: Rome, Italy





How did I not see this coming? She boarded on the wrong bus. Obviously. Lost and alone in Rome. Well, it's not so bad. I actually do enjoy it without her being here. It wouldn't hamper my mission. In fact, it would go smoothly.

This was somewhat, perfect.

Unless ofcourse, losing her would start an investigation which would put us behind  schedule and THAT would definitely hamper my mission.

With a deep sigh, I went up to Samantha to go and find Evangeline.

The girl infuriated me. She didn't respect my privacy and personal space. And broke so many basic rules. I didn't understand her nature of being peculiar. I wanted to get rid of her for a while but I knew that would create suspicion and put the trip to a halt.

"Where is she?" I asked Samantha.

No reply.

I raised an eyebrow at her silence, "Samantha... " I finally broke her concentration. "Where is Evangeline?" I repeat myself.

She looked at me straight in the eyes, trying not to look nervous. "Oh, she said she went in Mrs. McCartney Bus. They had a few stuff to talk about."

"You do know that I know you are lying, right? I told you this morning, in fact. So... Where is she?"

"Mrs. McCartney"

"Okay then, let me call Mrs. McCartney"

"N-No. Don't! Um."

"Samantha I know very well Evangeline isn't there. So just tell me. I could help. That I promise."

"She-she is um you know kinda like an unknown location and is unable to find her way back. " she stuttered.

"So she is lost? "

"Yeah.. In Easy English, she is....Lost" she tried to conceal her fear.

"Can you conduct the squad till I come come back? " I questioned her.

"Can I what?", she narrowed her eyes.

"Can you take care of our group until I come back with Evangeline."

"Wait. That means you are going after her?"

"Well, somebody has to do something."

"Aye Aye Captain" she saluted me.

I told the bus driver to stop and got down the bus. It's was clear everybody was stunned.

As soon as I saw the bus was gone, I walked into a corner behind a shop. I checked whether the place was secure and I took my phone out. I unlocked my phone and started to track her phone and other devices with her which were connected to the wifi at the hotel.

She seemed to be heading to another bus station of the city that was the only rational route the bus would take aside from the  67 others.





"No. No. Hotel Italia." It's the 100th time I said this. But the driver didn't understand.

"Questa è l'ultima fermata [This is the last stop] " the bus driver announced. I saw all the people get down from the bus and the driver himself stood up from his seat. He signalled me the door with his hand.

"I must wait there? Or what? " I pointed outside.

"Questi turisti americani !! [These American tourists!!] " he said as he got out of the bus.

"I'll take that as a yes." I mumbled to myself. I got out of the bus with no hope. I sat on the bench and watched it get dark. Like really really dark.

This was my Plan B: Sit here and wait for a miracle to happen.

I waited for 3 minutes. Then 5. Then 7. No miracle. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

I felt so ashamed and sad about myself. It's like I couldn't excel in anything in life. A huge failure. What else could I do right now than blame myself? I knew it wasn't gonna help but I couldn't help feeling worthless. And suddenly, I found myself counting reasons why I'm just not... perfect.

I sighed. I was tired of being so clumsy and the weird one. I know My friends made sure I never felt that way but maybe I was annoying like Aaron says. And just so messed up. I couldn't even come up with reasons to why I was like I was.

High school was over and I still hadn't discovered myself.

That's just amazing. Huh.

Do miracles really exist?

"Evangeline" I heard a familiar voice speak.

"Great! Now Im hearing Aaron in my head. I'm becoming insane!" I muttered under my breath.

"EVANGELINE! " I jumped on my seat and opened my eyes. Why you gotta be so rude? My irritated face met the face of the last person I would like to see.

"Aaron" I sighed. Of course, who else could it be?

"Let's go" he said with his commanding voice. I grabbed my bags and followed him.

Thank you, I smiled for no apparent reason. I have intense mood swings. Lord, help me.

I guess miracles do come true. Even if a Demon comes to your rescue.


Author's Note: Hey guys, hope you all are doing good. My finals are over and the results are out And guess what? I topped it in class.
And that also means I will be updating more often.
Sorry for the short chapter...



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