Chapter - 19

42 6 3

Location: ISIED Base


"Evangeline, are you okay?" Alexa asked her with concern.

"So if I give it back to them, the thing I took; will they leave me alone?" Evangeline started breathing heavily.

"It's complicated." Alexa replied.

"Please. Explain it to me. I-I just wanna go home and be a normal teenager. I want to get out of this mess. Please." Evangeline pleaded.

"Tell her." Leonard told Alexa. Alexa nodded and signaled Evangeline towards the exit. Both of them got out of the room. Alexa took Evangeline to the lab containing  the Credyx.

Alexa swiped the card and the door slid open. Evangeline got in the lab. Adrian kept on moving up and down the lab, hesitant. He seemed to be examining a rectangular plate.

The very same one she took.

"Do you recognise this?" Alexa asked Evangeline, Adrian realizing their presence in the room.

"Yes. I um- took that." Evangeline replied.

"This is the Credyx. And This is why Zelroth is after you. He wants this."

"But it's not with me anymore. Right? It's with you guys. So can't I go home? He won't get anything from me." Evangeline tried her best to convince Alexa about letting her go home.

Alexa ignored her and said, "Evangeline, I need to know something from you."


"How did you find the Credyx?"

"I was walking and heard a sound coming beneath my feet. Figured it was hollow. Then I opened  the box I found. And got this.....Credyx." Evangeline said in one breath.

"What were you doing in the woods?" Alexa asked.

Evangeline hesitated, "Following Samantha on a late night walk."

"And why and where was Samantha going?" Alexa asked roughly. Evangeline soon spaced out, remembering the incident. "Evangeline it's necessary that you tell me everything. I can even help you get home with the right information. You just need to tell me everything you remember, everything you know."

"....I don't want you to take this in a wrong way. And Samantha is not crazy. But it's like...  I don't think it's right to talk about it." Evangeline said nervously.

"You need to tell me everything. It's the only way I can help you." Alexa said. Evangeline was silent. "Please Evangeline, it's important that I know."

"Okay." Evangeline replied. "Samantha, she... She has this thing. Person actually. A non existent person who kinda talks to her?"

"So you're saying she hears voices?" Alexa said.

"But she's not crazy or anything. They are helpful sometimes. And that night, she called her." Evangeline explained.

"She?" Alexa asked.

"You should talk to Sam about it." Alexa nodded.

"What about you?" Alexa asked. "Anything out of the ordinary?"

Evangeline gulped at the question. Should I tell her? 

"You can trust me. Tell me what troubling you" Alexa said.

"I uh- been having these really weird dreams lately." Evangeline said nervously.

"What do you see?"

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