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From the moment she had met Vader, she felt uncomfortable in his presence. Malia hadn't a clue why he requested to meet with her. More recently she had been doing imperial work, but so what? It paid best. Just because she worked for them didn't mean she liked it, every time she was called to one of their bases she was tired of seeing the same black and gray interior. Apart from her issues with the decor, Malia hated the feeling she got. No one rubbed her in the wrong way more than Darth Vader did. She never met him, she didn't need to. There were three things Malia could tell about the man behind the mask and suit. 

 1)That man was a sad, sad man.  

2) Despite his devistation, he still craved more power. If that was even possible 

3) Above all of that, Darth Vader wasn't completely dark. The good in him was buried under layers and layers of precautionary emotional sheilding, but it was there. 

Malia could care less, Vader can live his life as long as he's living it far far away from her. When she had actually met with him for the first time, Malia wasn't sure why there was a sense of familiarity about him. It wasn't a good sense either.  The meeting started off rather basic, the typical 'Thank you for your service' 'Thank you for paying me' type of deal. It was when Malia turned her back she heard the words that changed it all. The only words that made the fearless woman want to run and hide for ever. The only words that she ever truly cared about. 

"I know who your parents are" 

"Real funny."

"Ranah Zahar and Obi-Wan Kenobi are your parents. How do you think you have the force?" 

"Those guys are just stories you tell kids Vader." 

"Stop hiding from the truth." 

"That two mythical Jedi are my parents? Sounds like a pretty big fat lie. Saying you and The Emperor are my parents seems more likely." 

"I want you to become my apprentice, if not I'll personally see you executed." 

"I'll think about it." 

Malia left the room, Darth Vader obviously wasn't lying if he were being deceitful she would have picked up on something. It just sounded so fake it couldn't be true. It just couldn't be. Malia shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. She could worry about her lineage later because right now she wanted to get as far away from Vader as she could. If anything was clear in her mind it was where she would set course for next.


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