IV: Chapter 3

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"Are you sure this ship is able to make it to Alderaan?" Malia asked when she walked aboard the Millennium Falcon. "Don't make any comments about my ship, what happened to yours again, kid?" Han retorted. "It was stolen but," she started "Don't try to put down my ship if you don't even have one." he insisted. "That's not her fault Han." Luke interjected.  "I don't need you to defend me." she said, glaring at Luke. "Enough bickering. Let's focus on the task at hand." Obi-Wan spoke up, calmly. "Right, you guys can focus on getting to Alderaan, I'm going to nap. Some of us have been sleeping on the floor in Cantina's." she said, smiling passive aggressively. "Let me show you where-" Han started. "No." she shut him down. "I can help you find-" Luke spoke up. "I can do it on my own!" she spat and walked away from all of them. 

It didn't take Malia long to discover the dilapidated bunks in a far off room of the Falcon. When she found them she took no time to collapse on one and close her eyes. It took a long time for her mind to settle down. It was racing with ideas of how to get out of this trip to Alderaan. Typically she'd just Force Persuade the one keeping her captive to free her, but Obi-Wan wielded the force. It appeared Luke possessed the ability too, but he had no clue how to use it. That was out of the question. The brunette could just sneak off the ship when they reached Alderaan, but at the same time part of her wanted to stay until she found out if Obi-Wan was her father or not. Malia was just waiting for him to show some sign, but there was nothing. To make this situation worse she had told a smuggler with an ego her identity, and that's not exactly the best way to secure your safety when you're on the run. Her eyes opened and she took a deep breath, recognizing she needed to calm down. Her green eyes shut again, and her mind went blank as she drifted off into sleep. 

It was dark, and things came in and out of focus. Malia didn't recognize the room she was in, but despite the odd angle she was viewing the situation from she could see a wall with large windows. Outside the window was a bustling city. After milling over the possible locations she decided it was Coruscant she was looking at. The room was quiet apart from occasional shuffling. A door opened, and everything that happened next was fuzzy. She couldn't see anything happen, but she heard wails of young children, and the clashing of weapons. Malia had no clue what was going on, but she felt like she was going to cry, or maybe scream. She heard more yelling of children. It was silent again, but a distressed woman's voice emerged "No,Anakin No! Anakin stop it!" the woman howled. Things blended together again, the next thing she felt was a searing pain across her back. 

Malia sat up straight in the bed, hitting her head against the bunk above her. She cursed under her breath, and brought her hand to the top of her head. The young woman adjusted her body so her legs hung off of the side of the bed, and her torso scrunched together. She rest her elbows on her knees, and her head in her hands as she tried to catch her breath. It wasn't the first time Malia had that nightmare so why did it still have such a haunting effect on her? She heard someone enter the room. "What?" she demanded not looking up. "Are you okay?" it was Luke. "I'm fine." she responded. "You don't look fine." he argued. "I'm okay Luke! Just leave me alone!" she snapped. Luke didn't say anything else, but left with a loud sigh. "It was just a dream, pull yourself together Malia." 

Shortly after she woke up, Malia rejoined everyone in the Main Hold. The Wookie she learned to be called Chewbacca was playing chess with the protocol droid called C3P0. Han was sitting down and Obi-Wan was watching Luke practice with some weapon foreign to her. The blue laser seemed familiar, but she wasn't sure how. It was familiar in the way the Darth Vader was. "Did you guys miss me?" she asked taking a seat. No one responded. Their eyes seem set on Luke training. From what it looked like he was trying to block the attacks that the training orb shot at him. "Remember a Jedi can feel the force flowing through him." Obi-Wan instructed him. "Also you're doing it all wrong. It's not about focusing on what your trying to stop. It's more like you come into one with your surroundings and you and the force act together." she interposed. "You mean it controls your actions?" he asked, puzzled. "Partially but, it also obeys your commands." Obi-Wan responded, just then Luke got blasted in the leg and Han began to chuckle. "Hokey religions, and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side." he added. Luke seemed baffled with the comment, "You don't believe in the force do you?" It didn't take Han anytime to respond "Kid, I've flown from one side of the Galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe that there's one all powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense." he answered. 

"You're just upset because there's something in this Galaxy you don't understand." Malia scoffed.  "And I was starting to think we were alike. What makes you buy into all of that bantha fodder?" Han questioned. She didn't react, except for extending her hand. "What are you doing?" Han panicked slightly, as Obi-Wan and Luke watched with interest. Her focus didn't break, and soon Han's blaster came flying across the room into Malia's hand. "I think Malia should be practicing this not me." Luke frowned. "You both can, besides a lightsaber is far more elegant weapon Malia." Obi-Wan exhorted. "Oh no, I'm never putting my hands on one of those things." she shook her head, and got up returning the blaster to Han. "Then I suggest you try it again Luke. Only this time let go of your conscience self." he grabbed a helmet off of the wall and handed it over to him. She crossed the room again and sat back down.A few more word were exchanged between Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan, but Malia payed not attention to them. She was completely zoned out as a tragic feeling overtook her.

 "Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan." Han called out, bringing her back to reality. Han and Chewie went to go and pilot them in safely, but that didn't go as plan. The ship rocked back and forth, and had the brunette still been asleep she would've been tossed awake. Obi-Wan, Luke, and Malia followed after Han and Chewbacca. "What's going on?" Luke inquired. "Our position is correct, but there's no Alderaan." he replied. "What do you mean where is it?" Luke was even more confused. "That's what I'm trying to tell you kid. It ain't there, it's totally been blown away." Han attempted to explain. "What how?" "Destroyed by the Empire." Obi-Wan said. That made sense why Malia was experiencing these terrible feelings she bet Obi-Wan felt them too, but he seemed more worried and distraught than just uncomfortable. While the three others discussed what was happening, she already knew at the sight of the TIE fighter.  

"It's heading for that small moon." Luke pointed out. 

"That's no moon." Obi-Wan declared. 

"Really then what is it?" Han rebuttaled. 

"It's an Imperial base called the Death Star." she said, trying not the let fear consume her tone. The last time she was aboard it, everything changed. 

"Well we're caught in the tractor beam, it's pulling us in." Han stated a slight alarm in his voice. 

Malia felt like she could faint. 

A/N: So this chapter was a little bit longer, but also kind of choppy. I hope it wasn't too boring and you all liked it (: 

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