IV: Chapter 8

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Things had been mild lately. There were no attacks from the Empire. Most missions were supply runs and other trivial tasks. Even Han had fallen victim to Leia's persuasion and began helping out every now and then. Luke didn't even need convincing he was more than prepared to help out. While Leia ran the show, Malia moped about day after day.

After weeks of confining herself from nearly everyone, and ignoring anyone who attempted to talk to her, Malia got an idea. If Leia would still have her, she would accept the job offer. It wouldn't pay much, but there didn't seem much opportunity for other work. If anything she recognized she needed to work, at least for long enough to acquire the necessary credits to get off Yavin 4.

Her brown hair was worn back in a loose bun, a few loose stands framed her face. The young woman didn't want to look too formal. It was quite the change, but it was a refreshing one. Malia decided if she was going to move forward into a new line of work she might as well try to have a better outlook.

The scoundrel stepped into the control room, radiating her usual confidence that seemed to be missing recently. "Leia." She spoke up, catching the other woman's attention. "If you're here to ask for another ship the answer is still no." She pursed her lips. "Do you remember a while back when you mentioned a job as a strategist. I'd like to accept that offer." Malia stated. "Is this genuine compassion I'm seeing?" Leia hummed, very self satisfied. "Actually no. I just need credits." She responded. Leia's eyes narrowed "You have the job. It doesn't pay well. You have to understand most workers don't get paid. They're employed because they genuinely want to rid the galaxy of the vermin that is my Father and his ridiculous Empire." She retorted too. "It's not all Vader. Palpatine's still there." Malia added, and Leia became more frustrated by the minute, but she remained quiet.

The silence between them lasted a few minutes. Malia's eyes widened in realization. Now understanding the lack of reply from Leia, she spoke up,

"Wait Vader's your Father? Do you have the force?" Leia scoffed. "Of course I do. His name was Anakin Skywalker wasn't it." She said. "I knew his name was Anakin. But Skywalker? Like Luke?" Malia was bewildered. "Or Leia." The other woman huffed. "Does Luke know? That your his sister? Or Vader is his Dad?" the scoundrel wondered. "No, and you can't tell him. He has to find out on his own. It's better that way." Leia justified. Malia rolled her eyes, she had more important questions to ask.

"If you have the force how come I couldn't tell? I'm always able to tell." She inquired. "Ranah taught me how to mask the energy of the force that surrounds me. She also told me to go by Leia Organa. I'd go by Skywalker, Amidala or even Zahar if I could. You're not the only one who has to protect yourself." She said making direct eye contact with the girl standing across from her. Although hearing her mother's name cut her to the core, Malia was beginning to believe her and Leia were more alike than she initially thought. Not to mention at this point in time Leia didn't seem like a bad person to befriend.

"What about you? Not even Luke has a clue to your story and you've opened up to him most from what I've heard." Leia asked. Malia would remember to have a word with Han later. "I really don't wanna talk about it." She answered with a weary sigh. "Don't wanna talk about what? Luke or your life?" "Neither." Leia sighed in frustration. "Malia you need to talk about it eventually." She coaxed. "I guess I do, but not here. Not now." "Then expect to hear me knocking at your door tonight."
As promised Leia showed up to Malia's quarters. "You weren't kidding?" She raised her eyebrows suspiciously. Leia shook her head, and entered the moderate sized room. "Please sit down." Malia said in her most hospitable voice. Leia did, and the other woman sat across. "If you can use the force why aren't you a Jedi?" Malia asked. "I didn't want to be why aren't you?" "I never knew there were options." She shrugged. "Is this how we're going to do this? I ask questions you answer?" Leia said. "Seems to be working." Malia argued.

"Alright where were you born?"


"Did you go anywhere after that?"

"Pluv, I think. I was really young"

"You have a thing for core world's huh? Did you go anywhere after that?"

"I'm guessing Nar Shaddaa. I was there until I was ten and got my first ship."

"Would it be more effective to just ask where you haven't been?"


"That's not important. How old are you?"

"Same age as you."

"What's your last name?"

Malia faltered "I don't have one."

"Well you typically get your last name from your parents. Who are your parents?"

The scoundrel looked Leia in the eyes, she refused to lie. "Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ranah Zahar." It hurt her to speak their names.

"Ranah said Vader killed her daughter."

"I have a scar on my back from what he did if you don't believe me. I know it's shocking. I was just as surprised as you." She reasoned. "That explains why you reacted in the way you did." Leia frowned. "I'm sorry for your loss." She attempted to comfort Malia. "Don't worry about it Leia. But refrain from telling the others. You're the only one who knows." She requested. "Why should I keep to myself?" Leia demanded. "Because not only did I entrust you with this information, but you've told me many things you wish to have kept quiet." Malia answered calmly.

"You have a gift for negotiations." Leia said, impressed.

"Obviously, how else would I obtain a starship at the age of ten?"
A/N: this chapter was very chatty and I apologize for that, but I still hope you all liked it.

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