IV: Chapter 1

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  From the moment she woke up, Malia felt off. Tatooine was the strangest planet she'd visited to say the least, but it wasn't just the climate that was bothering her today. The brunette had the impending notion that something bad would happen. She stood up from the tattered matress that lay on the floor. Malia wasn't a big fan of sleeping in backrooms of Cantinas in the middle of nowhere, but she had to be clever. Staying in the Cantina cost her nothing (granted it was probably because the owner wanted to get into her pants.) It wasn't smart for her to make any transactions so she could do with the makeshift lodging she had. Since she had fled, Darth Vader would probably be keeping an eye out for Malia. That meant laying low, and changing locations at least once a week. Malia discovered this was the most effective plan. She had made a name for herself among the riffraff of the Galaxy which meant she was recognized much more easily, and that meant moving more frequently. It wasn't just her hide and seek strategy that pushed her to leave Tatooine, it was the nagging in her gut. Possessing the ability to wield the force was useful and helped the scoundrel get out of numerous sticky situations, but the part she despised most was the strange feelings she got. 

The young woman assumed she hid her ship well, but she guessed wrong. When Malia arrived to it's former location, she found a big blank nothing. The brunette had to blink a few times to make sure what she saw was actually happening. She could scream. Going into hiding was enough to drive her to that edge, but someone had the audacity to steal her ship? She searched for any signs of who may have stolen it, but there was nothing. Her slender fingers rooted themselves in her hair. What was her next move? Right now all she could do was trudge through the desert and back to the Cantina. Maybe try to swipe some credits or at least find a way off of this planet.


By the afternoon the unrelenting feeling only grew, and she had a hard time focusing on a proper execution of her plan. Her head was pounding she couldn't handle being inside the Cantina. Part of her insisted on following the tugging inside of her. The other half urged her to go inside and find travel off the planet. So which one was it? Stay and uncover the disturbance or go back inside and keep herself safe. The upset was like an itch she couldn't scratch. Green eyes scanned the outside of the Cantina, and landed on an unattended speeder.  "Damn it." Malia muttered as she walked over to the speeder and hopped on. She didn't look around her twice before she set off East. 

The speeder ran out of fuel in the middle of more desert. Wonderful. Although it wasn't the ideal situation, Malia found herself closer to the root of things. While shielding her eyes from the sun she searched around for where to head next. "I hate this planet." she mumbled shaking her head, and continued to walk in the direction she was previously headed. 

The young woman found herself sprinting, she felt so close to whatever she was looking for. She stopped to take a breather, her hands on her knees. Running was hard enough, but sprinting in this heat wasn't the brighteset idea. She removed one hand from her knee to try and keep her brown hair from sticking to her forehead. She shook her head and stood up, she would kill for some water. Taking another step, she heard movement behind her. In one swift motion Malia gripped her blaster and turned. Her eyes set on what she assumed were the native people of this planet. There were only two of them. The desert people rushed at her. The brunette rolled her eyes, she had no time for this. It took merely seconds for her to shoot down both of them. She continued walking "Bastards. Can someone just cut me a break today?" she mumbled. 

Another 20 minutes of walking passed, and Malia found herself standing before a hut. It didn't look very promising, but after traveling this far there was no way she was going to just turn back around. With a sigh, she took a step closer to the entrance of the hut. There was no door just curtains. . Her hand slowly reached for the curtain, but once it was in her grasp she tore it back. Behind it sat two droids, an older man, and a boy who looked about her age.  Their eyes were fixed on a holo-recording of a girl that was being projected from the astromech droid. The attention was pulled away from the message by the opening of the curtains. "Well, this is unfulfilling." Malia huffed. "Who are you? How'd you get past the sand people?" the younger of the two demanded answers. He seemed very flustered by this whole situation. Still standing in the doorway she patted her blaster, earning a scoff from the older one. "So uncivilized." he shook his head.

 "Right, are you going to use manners and invite me in or am I going to have to do that myself too?" her eyes darted between the two of them. The older man sighed, "You can come in once you tell me how you found yourself here." he bargained. "I'm just gonna come inside I'm tired." the young woman took a step inside. "You will tell me why you're here." the older one waved his hand. The brunette had a hard time not laughing. She copied the motion of his hand "Nice try. Really. Valiant effort, but there's no need to worry about me. I just stumbled here by pure coincidence." she said. It wasn't necessarily a lie. She continued inside the hut and leaned against a wall. "Well, I'm Luke Skywalker." the younger one spoke up. "And this here is Ben K-" Luke was cut off. "Please, call me Obi-Wan." the man finished. Obi-Wan? As in Obi-Wan Kenobi? Her alleged Father?  Her mind raced, but she remained silent. (for strategic purposes of course.) "I'm Malia." she finally responded. "Just Malia? Don't you have a last name?" Luke asked. The man claiming to be Obi-Wan gave her a very odd look. "No. Even if I did I don't have a clue what it is." she shrugged.  There was a long silence. "I suggest you take a seat. The three of us have a lot to discuss." Obi-Wan spoke up. 

Malia took a seat near Luke, what would she even have to discuss with these guys? 

'Oh hey is there any chance you're my dad?'

'Care to tell me why Darth Vader knows all this stuff about me?'  

'Is my mom some lady name Ranah Zahoo. Zahan. Whatever her last name doesn't matter is she my mom?' 

Whatever the imminent conversation held, Malia already regretted getting herself involved. 


A/N: So here's the first chapter. It's kind of trash, but I hope you're all looking forward to this story as much as I am. There's only a few things that are gonna be different than what actually happens, but I'll address it when the time comes. Also sorry for the swearing, if any of you are younger that's just of Malia. Anyway Thanks for being cool homies.

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