IV: Chapter 4

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While the three men discussed matters Malia ignored them and quickly formulated a plan within her head. "Listen up, here's the deal. Han and Luke, you're going to disguise yourselves as stormtroopers, when they come aboard be ready to blast them and change into their gear. When you leave I'll exit with you, and explain I'm here to discuss a deal with Lord Vader. When the three of us get sent our separate ways, the Imperials will think nothing to be wrong and stop monitoring the Falcon. Which leaves Obi-Wan to sneak away and turn off the tractor beam." she ordered, taking no time to see if they approved of the idea. Han and Luke seemed hesitant, but Obi-Wan had his head slightly tilted in interest, and a proud gleam in his eyes. "How do you plan on making your case believable?" Luke asked. "I'm known around here." she answered flatly. "You've worked for Imps? Is there anything you haven't done ?" Han was taken by surprise. "They pay well. Ask me about it again some other time. Prepare yourself, we're pulling in."

The objective began with a bang. (Literally and figuratively) As Luke and Han suited up Malia paced anxiously. "We're ready" The smuggler announced. "You guys need to grab me tight, make it look like I've been captured while I talk my way out." she instructed. "What if you can't talk your way out?" Luke questioned, wearily. "I'm wearing my lucky socks kid, don't sweat it." she joked, trying to assure him in the only way she knew how. "In my experience there's no such thing as luck." Obi-Wan butted in. "Can it." The brunette glared, then turned back to Han and Luke "let's get going before any suspicions arise." she suggested, and Han walked over tightly grabbing her as he was told. When Luke stood at Malia's left side, he was merely holding her arm. She looked at him, "It's okay you can grab me.  We need this to be convincing Luke.  you have to grip my arm and grip it hard. Don't worry about hurting me." She said coaxed, and he gave a small nod. "And if you do I'll hit you for it later." she finished with a small smile. Luke grasped her arm, and with an approving nod from Malia the three headed off board. 

When they reached the ground, she struggled against them really selling it. "She was the only one aboard." Han spoke up. "What's your business here?" a different stormtrooper asked. "I'm here to discuss a previously mentioned deal with  Vader." she explained. "Can you confirm this meeting?" the stormtrooper demanded. "Well there's not exactly a meeting set up, but just mention Malia stopped by and he'll know exactly who you mean." she shot them a smile. "Malia? We have orders to contain you until Lord Vader requests to speak with you." the stormtrooper told her. The young woman kept her face flat. "Very well." she replied. Han quickly released his hold on her, but Luke still clutched her arm. "We'll need to take your blaster." one of them ordered. "Damn it." she murmered, but still handed it over. "We'll lead you away now." the first stormtrooper spoke up. Luke was still clenched her arm and she had to tear herself away to get him to let go of it. One stormtrooper stood behind her, and the other in front. As they escorted her away, Malia wished more than anything she could glance back at Luke to assure him she would be fine.


Once Malia was confident in the position she was in, she reached into her boot and retrieved a small silver object. She pressed a button, and the end of it glowed purple. She walked over to the wall that was on the right of her and held the luminescent tip of it to the wall. The brunette slowly dragged it in a circle and retraced the shape multiple times. She flicked the button off and concealed the device in her boot once more. Before she did anything she paused to see if she sensed any danger around her, and when the coast was clear she rammed her elbow into the wall. The circle cut out fell to the ground of the other room with a crash. While looking through it, she was met with the face of another woman. "Who are you?" she stipulated. "I'm Malia who are you?" she asked raising her eyebrow. "Leia, are you my rescue?" she inquired. "Uh, no kind of busy with my own thing right now. I cut into your cell by complete mistake, but I'll send help if I can." she tried to offer. "Useless." Leia huffed, and shoved the metal piece back into the wall. 

It didn't take long for her to find the correct way out. The security blanket of having a blaster was gone, so Malia knew she'd have to proceed with even more caution than usual. She continured down the hallway keeping her eye out for any imperials. The young woman stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of a woman with red hair, and a green weapon in her hair. Where was everyone getting those glow sword things? The younger of the women took a moment to find her composure, before going forward. The brunette was just hoping to pass her without any questioning, but immediately the redhead stopped her. "State your name and business" she directed. "I'm Yumi Corusc. Heading to a confidential meeting with--" "You're a horrible liar. Have you seen anyone by the name of Leia? I'm here to break her out." the older woman interuppted. "Uh yeah she was in the cell next to mine." the scoundrel explained. "You broke yourself out? Are you here alone?" she asked. "No. I'm here with a Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. We kind of have our own thing going." she shrugged. 

"Well Yumi-"

 "Actually my name is Malia, but don't tell anyone I'm not a fan favorite around here." 

"Nice to meet you Malia. I'm Ranah Zahar." 

Malia didn't veil her expression. 

"Judging by that expression, yes I am in fact your mother. We can talk about that later, now are you going to help me or not?"

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