IV: Chapter 6

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She stood in horror, frozen without a plan. Perhaps it was the first time she was concerned for someone's life besides her own. All she seemed to be able to do was analyze the situation. Ranah and Obi-Wan fought hard, their love was evident from the way the couple would glance at each other. Ranah could only think the last time she fought with Obi-Wan she believed she was going to die and she had the same feeling right now. Obi-Wan could only think about all of what he viewed as failures, and how much he wished to have raised his daughter with Ranah. Vader was stone cold and the only thing he cared about was eliminating the problem.

"Malia!" she was pulled from the living nightmare by the sound of Luke's voice. She saw him, the girl Leia from earlier, and Han standing on the other side of the hangar by the Millennium Falcon. Everything in her being told her to stay and fight with her family, but she had no weapon. If they went down Malia refused to stay here and die too, she could at least promise to soilder on. The brunette took one last glance at her parents, Ranah whipped around giving her daughter a nod to go ahead. Darth Vader striked the redhead's side while she was distracted. She sprinted over to the 3 others, but didn't rest. The young woman was on the balls of her feet ready to spring into action. Along with Leia, Luke, and Han, Malia watched in suspense.

Despite the injury Ranah continued to fight, it was when she was hit again Obi-Wan stopped and took her hands "Together?" He asked. "Together." She nodded. They both close their eyes seemingly waiting for the inevitable, but both at peace in a way. Darth Vader swings his lightsaber across the center of Obi-Wan leaving a cloak to fall to the floor. Ranah lets out a small whimper of distress before Vader slashes the saber, leaving the redhead with the same fate.

"We need to go!" Leia commanded. Her voice even, but the shock still evident. "No!" Luke screamed as he ran forward to shoot at the troopers. Malia couldn't seem to force any words out, everything felt surreal. She had no sense of her surroundings or what was really happening her eyes just stayed focused on Darth Vader. The only thing she was aware of was how wet her cheeks felt and the distance between her and the man in the black suit.

The brunette sprung forward, hatred and pain welling in her eyes just as much as tears did. She didn't get far before feeling the secure grip of two arms. She screamed, and tried to wriggle away. "Let go of me! I'll kill him I swear!" she shouted. "Malia we need to get aboard!" Han struggled, now having to lift her completely off of the ground. "He was their friend! Anakin was their friend!" She shrieked hysterically, crying to the point of hiccuping.

Once aboard the Falcon there was no time for Malia to strap herself in safely. She lay on the cold metal floor doubled over in grief. And to make matters worse, she had exposed weakness to three people she hardly knew. Han and Luke quickly had to shoot off TIE fighters and any other imperial forces. Leaving Leia to anxiously pace while the other girl remained a wreck. "I was close to Ranah you know. She was like a second mother to me." The princess spoke up, trying to offer comfort.

She was my mother.

"She was there to rescue you." The scoundrel said bitterly. "Were you close to either of them?" Leia questioned. "Only recently." She answered monotone. "You seemed close." She pointed out. "Its none of your business." Malia snapped, standing up from the floor and exiting to the back room.
There was no joyful reunion or glorious arrival for Malia. She stepped off board the Millennium Falcon and felt lost within her own mind. Was today even real? It didn't seem like it. The young woman refused to talk to anyone. So she just stood around base watching everyone else make plans or do their part. She felt useless.

When word drifted around Han was leaving Malia was counting on going with him. "So, Solo where are we headed?" She casually inquired. "You're not coming with me. I'm going alone. You have too much going on and your staying here." He practically ordered her. She didn't take no for an answer. "Han Solo you're not just leaving me here. You can't!" She refused "Guess what sweetheart, I can and I will." He smiled sarcastically. "You need to get me away from here!" The brunette demanded. "I don't need to do anything." He scoffed. "Can't you fly your own ship?" Han suggested. "Only on autopilot." She admitted sheepishly. "I expected more from you kid." Han shook his head and sighed. Malia didn't hesitate to reach out and slap him across the face. "What was that for?" Han clutched his cheek. "You know what for! You piece of schulag!" she said sharply.

Luke hustled over not hesitating to step between them. "What's going on here?" He asked. "I want to leave!" Malia burst, her eyes becoming watery. "You can't leave!" Luke insisted. "She's throwing a fit because I won't take her with me!" Han huffed. "Wait you can't leave either Han!" Luke frowned. "I owe someone money!" He said exasperated. "Han just take me with you." She practically begged. "I told you no kid. That's final." He spat.

Malia sat down on a box placing her head in her hands. Everything was awful. She started to cry again, and she hated it. Luke kneeled down, placing his hand on the brunette's knee trying to get her attention. "Malia..." He started with a frazzled sigh. "I don't wanna hear it Luke!" The young woman shot up to her feet.

"You don't get it and you never will! None of you will! So quit patronizing me, and touching me! Don't ever talk to me! I hate you! I hate all of this!"

Now Luke felt like he could cry.

A/N: (':

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