IV: Chapter 11

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She picked up Leia's blaster from the ground. The mission had just started and Malia's hands were already tainted with blood and covered in soil. Her steps made no sound against the forest floor. The base was small by imperial standards, which was good for finding Leia quickly, but bad for keeping her presence unknown.

The brunette slipped in through one of the back doors. As she looked around the Imperial base she realized there were no stormtroopers on guard. It was convenient, but Malia wouldn't put her faith in the lack of security.

She put her foot onto the grated ramp that led up to the main level. She takes another step, the sound of her boot against the metal prominent. There was no way she would make it through if she kept her shoes on. The young woman slipped her shoes off, and stored the device that was previously in her boot into one of her many pockets.

She took another step. Silence. Malia nodded. This was good. One thing was going good. As she made her way up the spiraling platform she began to notice most of the workers here were tech guys. The men hunched over at their stations. All of them did different work, some seemed to be more battle station plans, and others seemed to be working up a sweat trying to discover the Rebel Base. The work didn't matter they were all so immersed in it Malia slipped by with ease.

Her hand spasmed every few moments, anticipating when she had to grab her blaster. The scoundrel was so focused on not getting caught, she almost didn't feel the arms wrap around her waist and the kiss on her neck. "Hello Cortana." The voice cooed in her ear.

Malia immediately whipped around to face the man. "I'm not Cortana." She said, glaring. "Then who-" the imperial worker couldn't finish because the brunette had clasped her hand over his mouth. "I'm Ailam. Where's your cell block?" she questioned, then removed her hand. "We don't have any prisoners. Why do you care?" he shot back.

The young woman rolled her eyes as she reached into her pocket. "You have no leverage over me. Why should I tell you anything when I could get you caught?" he continued. Malia held up her device, "what's that?" The man inquired. She only pressed the button in response, the end lighting up purple. "What are you doing?" Would this guy just shut up?

She grabbed his hand, and pressed the tip to his hand. The man recoiled "Ow! What was that for?" He winced. Malia pressed it to his hand again. "Where's your cell block?" She reiterated. "It's the only thing on the top level." He finally answered. "Give me your clearence code." She demanded. "Are you crazy? No!" he resisted. Her green eyes met his dull grey ones. "You will give me you clearence code." She spoke monotone. "I will give you my clearence code." He repeated, then proceeded to reach into his coat to hand her a card. The brunette snatched it. "You will tell no one of my presence." She said in the same tone. "I will tell no one of your presence."

Malia reached the top floor in no time. When she reached the doors, she pressed the card to the scanner. They slid open revealing several empty cells. Before she began her search for Leia she was sure to melt the card with her device so it was beyond use.

She walked through the corridor of ten or so cells, and Leia was nowhere to be seen. A commotion burst behind a door at the other end of the hall. Malia quickly realized what had happened and slipped into a cell, trying to conceal herself in the shadows.

She started to feel sick, a presence she would always recognize. Darth Vader. He was at the head of the gaggle. The scoundrel crossed her fingers and carefully eyed Vader. She went without detection. After Vader came Leia with two stormtroopers. They threw her into a cell and activated the ray shields.

Once the block was clear, Malia emerged from hiding. The young woman rushed to her friends cell. "Did you retrieve any information?" Leia asked. The scoundrel shakes her head. "No hard copies just visual. Rescuing you was kind of my main priority." She explained, then shot the control panel. The blockade came down, and Malia handed Leia her weapon.

"Are you okay?" She asked, examining Leia's condition with her eyes. The princess' usual confidence wavered, and her face fell. "He tortured me. My own Father. For something as insignificant as information. Don't worry he didn't break me." Leia attempted to mask the trauma with a small smile. "Leia..." Malia frowned. "I'm so sorry I didn't get her sooner. That never should have happened." She sympathized. "Malia it's okay. Your concern is enough. Let's get out of here." Leia encouraged, and the other woman nodded.

The pair reached the hangar. Empty, like most of the base. "Who's flying?" Malia questioned. "I was hoping you." Leia admitted. "Me? I was hoping you could. Flying is for droids if you have the luxury." She insisted. "You spent a solid portion of your life in space." Leia pointed out. "Knowing how to put a ship in autopilot doesn't make me a pilot." Malia retorted. "Well one of us has to do it." Leia sighed, and climbed into the TIE fighter.

It wasn't long before they were airborne. "Setting course for base." Leia announced. It was smooth for the most part, but as they approached Yavin 4, multiple other fighters appeared and began firing at them. "Leia get me in position to shoot." Malia requested. The ship jerked. "Steady Leia! Your piloting will kill us before they do." the young woman scolded before taking a shot and hitting the enemy. "We're close enough to base I'm going in." Leia decided. "Careful." Malia heeded.

They crash landed just outside of base. "Let's begin evacuating." Malia said and Leia nodded in agreement. "I'll see you on Hoth. Be safe." The princess said, and the two went their separate ways.

Malia ran into the base, "Listen up! Code 068! Evacuation!" She cupped her hands and shouted. Some panicked and others followed procedure. Luke came up to her, his eyes frantic. "What happened?" "I don't have time to explain." The brunette admitted. "Where are your shoes?" Luke asked, then took Malia's hand. "Where'd all this dirt come from?" he now brought his hand to her face "Is that blood? Is that your blood? Someone else's? Force just are you okay Malia?" He fretted.

The Scoundrel felt her face heat up. Her throat seemed to tighten up, but she nodded. " It's Leia you should talk to. Besides we need to get out of here." She shook her head and looked down.

"That doesn't answer a single one of my questions." Luke huffed. "We need to leave." Malia urged trying to turn away. He pulled her near him, she felt his hand come into contact with her scar. She flinched. "I won't hurt you. How long have you had this?" Luke said softly. "Since I was an infant, but that's a story for another time" She responded calmly. It astonished Malia how soothing Luke's presence in the midst of turmoil.

"We better get going. I'll see you on Hoth."

"Wait, Luke..."


"Could you maybe stay with me? You don't have to. It's just I'm anxious and.."

"No need for justification. I'll always be here when you need me."

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