VI: Chapter 3

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 The Speeder broke down within walking distance of Jabba's Place.

   Well, what would be walking distance had Malia been anywhere other than Tatooine. With blazing suns and sweat beading on her forehead, it hardly felt like walking distance. The sand thwipped into her eyes as she was reminded of how much she truly despised the sand-fill. That was her play on words for sand landfill, which absolutely nobody found funny. 

  Whatever, her humor was hardly of importance at the moment. Emerald optics narrowed as she approached the structure. Was she prepared? Hardly. But did she have faith in what little she prepared? Yes. Now nowhere in the plan was Malia coming individually if Leia's portion failed, but the first of her nightmares had rocked her to the core.As the sand folded beneath her feet, Malia simply knocked. Her plan was simple, she was going to present herself as royalty and promise Jabba riches in exchange for Han, Leia, and Chewie. But she was going out on a serious limb here in assuming Leia was in trouble. 

  That was the force though right? The terrible feeling that piled in her gut? Almost like the sensation one would get after a rough escape from Imperials? She could only assume, she didn't have a teacher or anything like Luke did. Nor was she interested in having one. She figured her plan would be plausible, she was technically royalty. Given, her royal relatives tried to have her sold off to the Empire, but those were details she was willing to risk ignoring. She wasn't a woman of uncalculated risks, but this felt like one she was obligated to take. 

  As she awaited a response from the other side of the metal sheet, she thought of Luke. Her and Luke were new, unsteady, but she hadn't ever felt more sure of belonging somewhere in her life. The last thing she wished to inflict upon him was fear and panic when he woke up in an empty bed, but she thought of Leia, and Han, and Chewie. By now she was sure she belonged around them too and she wanted to play her part in helping rescue them. For once, she pictured herself having a hero moment.

 The Metal Entrance shuddered to reveal maybe one of the ugliest Twi'leks Malia had ever laid eyes on.  He spoke to her in Huttese, it roughly translated to : 

 "What brings you to Jabba's Palace girl? He will not be pleased to hear of unplanned visitors."

Having grown up in Wild Space, Malia is able to respond easily "I hail from the Royal Family of Pluv and I have a business opportunity for Jabba that he should not want to pass up. And that's your Majesty, servant." 

    Sometimes she forget how fun lying could be, though she always appreciated it much more after the fact she avoided any trouble. 

       The Twi'lek was hasty to apologize and introduce himself as Bib Fortuna. With a nod, he led her down a dark hall. Malia was fully aware of the fact that she wasn't dressed as fine as royalty might be, but she spent most of her time on the speeder ride over drafting possible conversations, questions, and answers. The end of the hall revealed what could only be described as a party in full swing. Hues darted to every corner of the room until falling upon Leia. 

  So her feeling was right. Malia observed her friend chained to Jabba, clad in near nothing. Her heart sank to her stomach. No, no, she could do this. The crowd seemed to glide out of Malia's way as she approached the ugly hutt. Leia looked somewhere between concerned, hopeful, and furious that Malia had strayed from the plan. 

  One little time wouldn't hurt right? 

Jabba opens his mouth and a stench too powerful and rancid to describe invades her nostrils. Keeping a polite face, she waits for him to tell the Twi'lek to translate then she speaks in the monstrosity's native tongue. 

    "No need for that, Jabba, I was tutored in the tongues of those most influential in the Galaxy." A small bow of the head is provided by the brunette as the sluggish mass makes some sort of grunt in approval. 

   "I hail from the royal family of Pluv. I come to you with a business proposition from Pluv. In your possession are three of the Rebellion's most notable figures. My Family wishes to turn them over to the Empire. The Zahar's are able to provide you with double the price of the Empire's Bounty and your choice of riches from our vault." Malia knows she sounds convincing when she speaks, and Leia pleading for him to not accept the deal was the perfect touch to make it believable. 

  There is a long silence of what Malia can only hope to be deliberation. The party raging around her has paused to observe the strange girl dealing with Jabba. Suddenly, a bad feeling washes over her and her confident demeanor cracks. 

  A deep and mocking laughter escapes Jabba as Malia struggles to stand firm. 

"You take me for a fool, pretty girl? I know you are no royalty, I know you are no better than the rebel scum I have imprisoned for myself. I know you, Malia Kenobi." Leia doesn't understand what the Hutt is saying, but Malia sees her shiver. And she can just tell it isn't from the cold. Leia has the same, overwhelming, dreadful feeling. The girl standing before Jabba isn't sure if it's the feeling or being called 'Kenobi' that makes her shudder. The Massive Hutt continues to chuckle lowly, "Take the girl, get her situated the same as my prize up front. They will make a nice set." 

   With widening eyes, Malia moves to take out the guards. She can fight her way out. Sure she can, she's the toughest girl in the galaxy. Fear and adrenaline are pumping through her veins just as blood is. She lands a punch on one and a nice kick to the groin on another. Two more guards rush at her simultaneously. Panicked, she reaches for her blaster.  As soon as she pulled it from her holster a third guard lunged from behind her and knocked it out of reach. 

   As both of her arms are restrained, she kicks, screams, and struggles as much as possible. Trying to use the force to get the lackey's off her quickly proved to be futile, she was far too overwhelmed. As one placed a hand over her screaming mouth, she bit down on it. 

  This only earned her a jab in this side with some sort of electrical weapon. The voltage was enough to subdue her and as her body felt limp and consciousness left her all she could hear was Leia struggling and shouting 'Malia! Malia!' 

Then, all around her went dark. 

Guess it was really all up to Luke now. 


A/N: im BAAAACK ! (:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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