1.5 Daddy Dearest

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Lennon started on her mile hike back to her home, grateful to finally be finished with her first day of school. She had barely made it to the end of the block when she heard the voice calling out to her from short ways back.

"Lennon," screamed an unfamiliar girl's voice. "Hey wait up Lennon!" said the voice again. Lennon turned around hesitantly to see a short girl running towards her waving her arms. She looked confused at the girl, searching her memories of a possible connection, seeing if maybe she knew her and but didn't remember.

When the girl caught up to her she bent over out of breath, arms on her legs and breathed in heavily. The girl was short, maybe 5'1.

She looked to be about Lennon's age. She had on black tights with blue jean shorts over them. She also wore similar converse to the ones that Lennon had on her own feet.

She wore a red t-shirt that had a band that Lennon was not familiar with plastered on the front of it, along with a black sweater that was unzipped to show some of the girls husky yet attractive body features.

The girl had pixie short black hair that had red dyed streaks all in over and wore an excessive amount of bracelets. Lennon was sure she didn't know the girl, so the confusion that was on her face she wasn't trying to hide.

"Do I know you?" Lennon asked hesitantly.

"Spencer," was all the girl could manage to say in between her heaves of breathing. The girl was frantically searching in her bag for something when she finally pulled out something; Lennon recognized it to be an inhaler and watched as she put it to her lips, after a few puffs from it, she seemed to breathe a lot easier.

"I'm sorry what?" Lennon finally asked. "Spencer, my name is Spencer," the girl answered placing the inhaler back into a safe place in her back bag.

"I saw what happened in the cafeteria," Spencer said flashing a smile at Lennon. "OK?" Lennon said while turning to resume her walk, not that she was in a hurry to get back to her house, but she felt uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was going. The thing was, that situation at the cafeteria was not the first time things like that happened.

Honestly, all Lennon's life she had moments where she had blacked out and similar things would happen, for as far back as she could remember. Once, when Lennon was ten years old she was at a fast food restaurant with a foster mother, the person taking her order and her foster mother had gotten into a heated argument.

While the argument escalated her foster mother had been holding her hand and was squeezing harder the more upset that she had gotten. Lennon had tried to pull her hand away but the woman kept squeezing harder and harder the more the fight had escalated.

Right before Lennon's hand was almost broken from the force behind the anger of her foster mother, hysteria happened. It had started with the soda machines, which all started shooting out multi-colored soda up into the ceiling and shooting from its spews onto the floor like a river of brown and orange soda; next was the ice cream machine, which shot milky substances across the entire lobby.

The next thing to happen was the grease from the fry machine caught fire; it was an explosion of sorts. It was a nightmare turned reality. It always meant the worst when these disasters would happen.

It meant she would be moving again soon, whenever things like this had started happening, foster parents got scared. And when they got scared, they got rid of the source of that fear, which in most cases meant getting rid of Lennon.

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