4.4 The Light

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4.4 The Light

"No!" Spencer screamed.

Suddenly, Spencer too was grabbed and dragged into the woods by her foot as if invisible people were dragging her away. She flew up high into the air and was slammed down to the ground with a loud crunch.

She flew up and down in that way a few more times before her body was left in a crumpled heap, a mess of flesh and bones. Some of her bones pierced through the flesh of her skin.

She gasped for breath and Lennon could see that her ribs were jutting through her sides. She ran to her friend's side, scared to touch her.

Lennon sobbed loudly as she knew that her friend was going to die.

"Please, Spencer just hang in there! Please!" Lennon screamed. Spencer choked on the blood that was filling her lungs.

Lennon knew what she had to do. Julia had healing powers. She had to kill her mother so she could heal her friend.

She got up and screamed like a mad man and started charging her mother at full speed. Julia looked amused at what was happening, she stuck her hand out at Lennon and as if running into an invisible wall she smashed into it.

She stopped as she felt a throbbing in her head; a loud ringing sound filled her ears. She tried to come back to the reality of what was happening to her.

But, all she felt was a pain. It was the only thing that made her feel human anymore. That one small word, pain. How small the word was, but yet, how powerful.

Pain could consume you, or worst, it could become you. She bit down on her lip to the point to where she tasted blood, trying to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes, but it was too late, she felt as her tears start to stream down her blood and dirt covered face.

She looked at the ground around her. Her friend's bodies lay strewn about like a motionless sea surrounding her.

What have I done? She mouthed the words, but nothing came out. The only thing that escaped her lips was a low groan, as the realization and pain began to set in and overwhelm her, drowning her in darkness.

She laid back and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall more freely now. I'm dying, she thought to herself. This is what death feels like.

Another realization shot through her mind. I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm dying. As the words crept through her head, panic started to set in.

She couldn't move. She was frozen in a blanket of terror and pain.

That's when she heard it.

It was faint, like the raindrops falling upon the ground all around her. A low cackle, almost a giggle that sounded like a hyena, closing in on its prey.

She closed her eyes even tighter. Trying to push away the noise of the approaching enemy, as if she could push the evilness that closed in on her as she pushed her swimming thoughts away.

She knew the terror that would change from nightmare to reality once her eyes opened and saw it for herself, but she just wasn't ready to accept that yet.

"Aw, open your eyes, Lennon. I want you to see what you have done," came the raspy voice of her nightmares turned reality.

Slowly, Lennon opened her tear filled eyes, and a scream escaped her throat as she stared into the face of evil that had been the cause of this nightmare.

She looked first at the most horrifying smile she had ever seen. As if Satan himself was smiling and she stared into the eyes of recognition.

Into the eyes of her mother.

Her mother straddled her, and then lowered herself till she sat on top of Lennon's stomach. Lennon coughed and struggled to breathe from the weight of her mother on top of her.

Her arms frozen by her sides as her mother's energy held them there.

"You just never will learn. You stupid girl, you took away the only person who loved me. Who accepted me! You took him from me! He saved you. He didn't even try to save me! I was his wife! Till death do us part my ass!" Julia screamed.

"I didn't do it on purpose I swear! Y'all were just fighting; I didn't even know what I was doing!" Lennon said between sobs.

"I guess that doesn't matter anymore. Once I take your energy I can find whatever Warjile I want," Julia said looking off into space.

"And then what? What will that do? It's not going bring him back! Nothing is going bring him back!" Lennon cried.

"I don't want to bring him back. I just want more! I can never feel like I have enough energy. I want it all. Every last drop, I won't stop until I have consumed every Warjiles energy that I can!" she said getting close enough to Lennon's face that she could smell her breath.

"Goodbye my child, kiss your father for me," Julia said with a tear falling from her face.

Julia put her hand on Lennon's forehead. "I will make it quick. You won't feel a thing," her mother whispered.

Lennon closed her eyes and waited for death. She saw a bright light through her eyelids.

I'm going to heaven, Lennon thought to herself.

She was right, I didn't feel a thing. She felt her mother's weight lift from her chest, and she felt a warmth that made her feel safe. She opened her eyes, not sure what she would see.

She was blind at first; all she could see was the rays of light that shown down on her, she put a hand up to block the blinding light. She realized that she was still lying on the ground that the light was coming from all around her.

She sat up confused. She looked around and saw her mother standing ways in front of her. The light that filled the meadow was coming from in front of her. Lennon stood up and walked slowly towards it, not even sure as to what was going on.

All she knew was that the light was beautiful, and she felt as if it were calling out to her.

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