3.8 Frenemies

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Lennon yanked her arm away from Baze. "What are you doing?" She asked, stepping back.

"We don't have time Lennon, we need to leave," Baze said looking out the glass door. You could tell he was uneasy, he seemed as if he was very on edge.

"Why?" she asked him with suspicion.

"Look, Lennon, I'm going to cut the crap. I knew about you, from the second I met you, I've known about you," he said glaring at her.

"What? Are you one of us?" she asked him, fear was starting to set in.

Baze took a step towards her, his face blank and unreadable. In a split second, she reacted. She picked him up with her power, holding him high above the air. She threw him across the gymnasium. His body slammed into the wall opposite of where she stood.

He let out a yelp. Lennon watched as he got up as if nothing had happened and started running towards her. He didn't even make it to half court when Lennon pushed him again with her energy sending him flying into the wall for the second time.

He once again got up, this time, he moved so fast that Lennon couldn't even see it. One second he was at the other end of the gym, the next he was tackling her.

He held her down with ease. "It's no use to fight me!" he snarled. She had never known that someone could be this strong.

What was he? A vampire or something like her? Were vampires even real? She asked herself. Will you please focus Lennon? She gathered her thoughts.

She didn't give up. She didn't know what was going on, or why Baze was doing this.

"You're only making this harder on yourself!" Baze grunted through clenched teeth.

Lennon used her force to lift him, but the grip that he had on her made her lift herself along with him.

The shock that he brought her in the air along with him distracted her long enough for her to lose her concentration.

Baze and Lennon plummeted to the floor, Lennon screamed. Before they hit the ground, Baze turned himself to take the full blow from the fall, protecting Lennon so she wouldn't be hurt.

Baze jumped to his feet, expecting Lennon to attack again, but she didn't move.

She lay on the wooden gym floor, motionless. Baze dove to her side, scooping her up and shaking her, "Shit! Lennon, wake up! Wake up!"

After a few seconds, Lennon's eyes fluttered open. She looked at Baze and tried to push herself away. Confusion and fear could easily be read across her face.

"Lennon I'm trying to help you!" he screamed grabbing her face in his hands.

Her face softened. She wanted to believe him; all he ever was to her was nice.

"You're just telling me that so you can steal my powers. You, you want to track down other Warjiles," she sputtered, trying to read his face.

"You think I'm a Warjile?" he said smiling, laughing, "Oh hell no, I'm not a damn witch!" He threw his head back and let out a barking laugh. He stood up and pulled Lennon to her feet.

"Do you know what Solliens are?" he asked running a hand through his hair.

"No, I don't think so," Lennon answered rubbing her arm that had been twisted either during their wrestle or the fall.

"Of course not! You didn't even know what you were, much less the other kinds of things that are out there," he said shaking his head.

"Makes me wonder how you survived this long. It's almost like, no, never mind," Baze said, his voice trailing off.

"No tell me," Lennon said grabbing his arm so she could stare at Baze's face trying hard to get some kind of clue from his expression.

"It doesn't matter, it's impossible, they are banned from interfering in earthly affairs," Baze said in a steady tone. Lennon didn't believe him but decided to let it go anyway.

"Want to grab something to eat?" he asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, whatever," Lennon said slowly, not sure how this situation had turned so quickly. Her stomach felt as if it were tied in knots from anxiety.

"What are we going do about this mess?" Lennon asked taking a look around at the mess and mayhem they had made in the gymnasium.

"Well coach is going have a heart attack, but that's about it. There aren't any cameras or anything," Baze said reassuringly.

They left the gym and started walking towards town. "So anyway, what is a Solliens? I don't think I'm familiar with that term, much less what it is exactly," Lennon asked.

"Do we really need to get into that?" he asked in almost a whisper.

"Please. Everyone else keeps secrets from me. I feel like I can trust you, I don't want secrets between us," Lennon stopped walking and stood to look at Baze with pleading in her eyes.

"Fine, come on let's sit and talk," he said pointing over to a swing set in the park across the street.

They walked over and sat side by side on the swings. Baze took a deep breath; he was visibly uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.

"Solliens, where to begin? Well, we're supposed to hate each other, actually," he started, he laughed a little, then his face went serious.

"It is literally painful for me to be here beside you. See, we don't have souls. The human's God became angry with us and cursed us to live forever in pain and eternal hunger. We were angels in his court of heaven, now we feed off the souls of living things, anything with souls. If you don't get it, I understand, I mean I don't even understand it sometimes," Baze leaned forward, putting his elbows onto his knees.

"I get the roundabout of it," Lennon said, "So we're supposed to hate each other?" She joked, kicking Baze softly.

"Yeah, see your kind has more than one soul. You have a part of the God that gave you your energy's power. You're one with your Gods, just as you are one with each one of your kind. That's why trackers can sense other Warjiles so easily. If we were to kill one of your kind then we feel complete, for a while at least. But if the Warjile is too powerful, it would kill us to even attempt that. It would take who knows how many Solliens, just to kill one ancient, if it could even be done, but anyway, that's my story," he said seeming more at ease.

"Wow, moments like this make me question the world I lived in before. I mean everything is different now. I don't know how I never knew any of this before when I was, well, normal," Lennon said.

"People see what they want to see," Baze said with a sigh. He suddenly looked her in the eyes, a look like none she had ever gotten before.

She felt her pulse quicken, the hairs stood up on the back of her neck, goosebumps covered her body and a chill went up her spine. Baze took a step towards her putting his hand in her hair getting closer and closer to her.

She froze; she wanted and longed for his touch. He leaned in and gently placed his lips on hers. The warmth of his touch made her melt. He kissed her more deeply, pulling her closer to him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck running her fingers through his hair. She felt herself start to spin; she felt her heart speed up. She felt her legs buckle out from under her as she slipped into the bliss of Baze's lips.


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