3.4 Recruitment

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Jewels walked through the parking lot to her black Cadillac. She saw a small group of girls standing around her car and whispering when they noticed she had spotted them.

"Ladies?" Jewels said lighting a cigarette, taking long slow puffs.

"We saw you talking to Sam and her freak gang," Jenny said crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"And? What do you girls want?" Jewels asked, not looking up from the ground where she had been staring at.

"Are you like them? A freak?" Hartley added on.

"Are you girls actually serious? Is this really happening? What if I am, are y'all going get some torches and people of the village to burn me at the stake?" Jewels said laughing loudly out loud. "Do you have any idea what I am capable of?" Jewels said walking towards the girls.

"Here, let me tell you what being the popular girl in school will get you as an adult outside of this place. You will get married to your hotshot football star, and then you will live the rest of your miserable lives popping out children, living off of federal government help, and wishing every day that things were like high school, never amounting to shit in life. These days are your shining moments," Jewels said narrowing her eyes at the girls in front of her.

"I'm not scared of you. I've seen all kinds of things people like you can do," Kirhsten said sputtering in response.

"From who? Sam and her little want to be clan? You have no idea what real power is. But, you, unfortunately, get the pleasure of all seeing it first hand," Jewels said throwing her cigarette into the grass.

"Go, through there," She instructed the girls, pointing to a path beside the school parking lot that led into the woods.

The girls looked reluctantly at each other. "Now!" Jewels said loud enough that it made the girls jump. They scrambled, all visibly shaken, heading in the direction they had been instructed to go.

They walked on for what seemed like hours until they reached a clearing.

Kirhsten recognized it at once. It was the same field that she had been only a few weeks earlier with Sam, Spencer, and Lennon.

Jewels walked over to the tree where Lennon had used her fire energy and touched the scorched parts of the bark.

"You know, Lennon has my former husbands' energy. That is why I am here," Jewels said lost in her thoughts.

"Husband?" Jenny asked looking at the other girls with confusion.

"Ladies, I have a job for you all. And you can either agree to help me or, well, you don't really want to know what will happen if you don't, right?" Jewels asked looking at the girls with cockiness in her features.

"Why would we help you?" Kirhsten asked.

Jewels cast an evil look in her direction. "Are you stupid child? How dare you object or question me. You children really should know your place!" Jewels hissed at her.

"What do you want us to do exactly?" Hartley asked hesitantly.

"If you girls would shut up I would be able to tell you!" Jewels screamed, balling her fist as they shook with anger.

The girls all seemed to crouch together closer as they visibly were scared.

"Lennon is my daughter. I am not the age that I seem. She killed my husband, I want what she has, and I will do anything that I can to get it," Jewels told them speaking slowly, so they could take it all in.

"Is this a joke?" Kirhsten asked looking at Jewels with confusion.

Jewels anger shown on her face, as it became scarlet red. Kirhsten suddenly was lifted in the air; she let out a gasp before she slammed down onto the ground.

She let out a scream that would make a grown man shiver. Hartley and Jenny put their hands to their mouths in horror.

Jewels walked over to the crumpled body of Kirhsten and crouched down. "I warned you, didn't I? Now are you going to shut up and do as I tell you?" she said, she had a laughter and excitement in her voice.

Kirhsten couldn't speak; she was gurgling blood, trying to breathe. She managed to shake her head yes in response.

Jewels closed her eyes and laid a hand on Kirhsten. There were sounds coming from Kirhsten bones that should never be made. It was the sound of someone walking through the woods and stepping on twigs and sticks, the snapping sound that you hear in sharp crisp sounds.

Her body convulsed in pain and low moans escaped her lips. After a few moments, Jewels let go of Kirhsten and stood up. Kirhsten body didn't move.

"Is she, is she dead?" Jenny said taking a step closer to Kirhsten and leaned over to look.

"No, she's just in shock. She will wake up shortly, puke, and then be fine. Maybe she will learn a lesson in keeping her mouth shut now," Jewels said brushing off her knees where she had knelt on the damp ground.

"That was so bad ass," Hartley suddenly said after being silent while the show went on. "I mean holy shit! How did you do that?" Hartley continued.

Jenny looked at Hartley with puzzlement, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I am so in!" Hartley said with excitement.

Jewels smiled at her, "Let's do work then."

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