3.2 Momma's Girl

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Lennon's head was aching; she had felt strange all day, ever since she met Jewels. Baze followed closely behind Lennon when they left the class and headed off to lunch. "You feeling okay?" he asked putting a worried hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little weird. My head is pounding all of a sudden," Lennon answered.

The school's intercom system went off loudly, "Baze Newman to the principal's office, Baze Newman to the principal's office."

Baze rolled his eyes. "What did I do now?" he asked huffing his breath. "Catch you in a bit," he said flashing a smile while walking off down the hall towards the office.

He knocked on his father's office door and then entered without waiting for a response. He sensed that something was wrong.

Walking through the door he saw his father sitting behind his desk, a look of worry and frustration read on his face.

Someone was sitting in one of the tall leather chairs that sat facing his father's desk, but he could not see who from where he stood.

He walked up to his father's desk and saw that the new girl Jewels had been the one sitting in the chair. Baze looked confused from Jewels then back to his father.

"Please Bazstian, have a seat. We have a lot to talk about," Jewels asked politely.

Baze looked at his father with worry and suspicion, but his father nodded for him to not argue and do as he's told.

Baze sat down, turning his body to face Jewels and not his father. "What is this about? We pose you no threat Warjile," Baze said hardening his brow to try and intimidate the obvious pure blood that sat before him.

He might be intoxicated by her energy, but he also sensed her interest in their town, or should he say, someone.

"It's strange, the protection I sense that you have for the girl. Yet you want her soul more than anything you have ever wanted, am I correct?" Jewels said staring at Baze.

She then turned her gaze to his father. She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. Baze looked back and forth at the two; finally, Baze's father spoke up. "The future is not set in stone. It can still be changed. I have faith in him," he said sternly.

Jewels held her hands up and shook her head laughing, "Well, that is why I am here, to solve the problem for everyone."

"What do you mean?" Baze asked suspiciously.

"I have invested time and interest in the destruction on your little attraction," Jewels said looking at her fingernails.

"That cannot happen; I have tracked her since she came to this town. I have claimed her for myself!" Baze said loudly while standing up.

"What of the little half-bloods that are harboring her? They still think chants can protect them! You don't have the balls to do it, boy," Jewels said rolling her eyes.

"You know nothing witch! A mere handful of half-bloods wiped out nearly our entire colony! I will have her and if you touch her I swear," Baze started to scream at her but was cut short, his words trailing off.

He gasped for air. As if invisible hands held his throat choking him. His feet lifted off the air and he was slowly pressed against the wall, he was being lifted higher and higher until his head touched the ceiling.

His feet kicked viciously and his hands grasped wildly at the invisible force that held him.

Jewels stood up and slowly walked over to the wall that Baze was held. Mr. Newman started to get up, but Jewels threw the chair he was sitting in under the desk, locking him into his seat like a seat belt.

"Your boy has a mighty large mouth. I should rip his jaw from its hinges and make you walk an eternity on earth that way. Or maybe I should just end your puny excuse of right now? The point of any matter is I'm in control. This is my game, and I am the coach, the players, the field and the fans. I am untouchable. And I will have her. And if you get in my way, I will tear you limb from limb and scatter you throughout the world, and you will live forever in your own ashes." Jewels spat with hatred shaking her physically.

"Who are you?" Mr. Newman said in a whisper.

"Julia Everett and my daughter Lennon will die from no hand but my own," Jewels said smiling.


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