1.7 Flashback

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Lennon opened her eyes to find herself in a very outdated, eighties style living room. Where am I, she thought to herself.

She was lying on a couch that had brown and orange patterns, which resembled leaves that had fallen on the ground. She had on black leather Mary-Jane shoes, and her feet looked tiny, almost childlike.

"What the hell?" she said while looking at her legs and what she could see of her torso and chest.

She had on a light blue dress that buttoned on both sides of her shoulders, on the dress there was a baby doll looking little girl, holding a blanket and sucking her thumb.

"Lennon, where on earth did you hear such a word?" said a man who was sitting on a matching printed leaf chair, with a newspaper in his hand and a pipe in his mouth beside her in the room.

He wore a green knit vest over a white button-down dress shirt, and gray slacks. He looked Lennon in the face and took the pipe out of his mouth while setting the newspaper down on the table beside him.

"Now Lennon, you know your mother and I haven't taught you to speak like that, so where did you learn that kind of language?" the man asked, getting up from his chair and coming over to the couch beside Lennon and scooping her up and sitting her on his lap.

What is going on? Lennon thought again to herself. Who is this man, and what is he talking about? That bottle must have done more damage than I thought; she thought reaching up and touching the spot that moments ago, had been cut open and bleeding.

Then she saw her hands, which were tiny, like a child's. She gasped out loud. "Honey, are you OK?" the man asked turning Lennon around in his lap to face him.

He was the most handsome man that she had ever seen. He had blonde hair, like that of her own, and blue eyes the color of a clear sky on a cloudless day.

He had a blonde colored beard that sort of made him look like a woodcutter, but it was trimmed and well groomed, and suited him well.

Lennon looked in his eyes and felt herself getting lost in them. She felt all of her worries and problems go away, the nightmare of the past week slowly drifting into nonexistence. She smiled at the handsome man, for the first time in her entire life, she felt safe, and where she needed to be.

"Daddy loves you," he said while putting his arms around Lennon and gently kissing her forehead, his beard making Lennon giggle slightly.

"Daddy isn't mad at you for using those words, he is just disappointed. So please don't it that again, okay?" he asked pulling away from her and looking more seriously into her face.

"Yes daddy," Lennon said without thinking, feeling natural. "Good girl," he said hugging her once more, "now, go wash up for dinner, Mommy will be finished soon," he said setting her down in a standing position on the brown thick carpet.

Lennon turned and started walking down the hallway as if she somehow knew where she was going. She walked down a long hallway, looking at the pictures that hung on almost every square inch of the walls.

Many pictures of a beautiful little girl with blond hair and blue eyes lined both sets of walls, along with pictures of a couple, some by themselves and some with the little girl in them.

Lennon turned into the first room that was on the left. She walked in and stood on her toes and turned on the light to the bathroom.

When the light turned on Lennon froze where she was standing. She stared at the reflection that she was seeing in the mirror; it was that of the little girl from the pictures in the hallway.

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