3.1 Stranger Danger

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Lennon looked at the face that stared back at her in the mirror. She was starting to find herself, who she was supposed to be in this world.

Yesterday after she had used energy for the first time, from her own control and not triggered, she had come home to a three hour sit down with the family about the history of their kind.

From Ms. Fitz's point of view, and from the history of their species, which was, after all, an upgraded human version of sorts, Lennon seemed to be of pure blood.

Ms. Fitz talked about how she had met two pure-blooded Warjiles when she was a child. She had come across them with her family on an out of state trip.

When Warjiles were around people of their kind, or any species other than human they had a feeling that would give them a sort of warning.

A burning sensation in their chest. You could call it heartburn, in a way.

To a half-blood, being in the presence of a pure blood was like a magnet to metal.

Which is one of the reasons the Fitzsimmons were so drawn to Lennon, other than the fact that Ms. Fitz had a vision they would have to take her in.

Most half-blood Warjiles would be walking into their own death trap by following their feeling of wanting to be around a pure blood.

Most purebloods had survived the past centuries by consuming the energy of half-bloods and destroying them, so they wouldn't have them as a threat later on.

The ones that had the energy power to heal could be immortal unless it was their will to die or to have a fatal blow.

Ms. Fitz and her parents had sensed the purebloods from hours away, as did her parents. That was when she learned about pure and half-bloods and the differences in their energies.

During a trip to a restaurant, they had actually met them.

As they sat eating, her parents who were both half-bloods, terror washed over them. Momma Fitz had the words DANGER, PROTECT BABY FITZ and DON'T PANIC screaming through her head as her parents communicated telepathically.

She looked with confusion at her parents, who were staring straight ahead.

Two women approached the table. Their faces blank. "May we join you?" one of the women had asked.

"We don't want any trouble." Momma Fitz's father said.

"Please, our child," her mother added.

"We know you have good intent in your heart," the other woman had said. "We are just curious about you, we don't find many of our kinds in these parts," she continued.

They had sat and talked for hours about the dangers of purebloods and how they were to never trust them.

The two women were rare to find. They just wanted to warn the family about others intent.

Ms. Fitz had never forgotten that day; she shared her story as a warning and for educational purposes to the girls.

Lennon felt like she was introduced to an entirely new world.

The next morning she brushed her hair thinking about all of her new discoveries about herself. She had a new sense of which she was, something she had never had before.

What to wear today? She thought to herself, strolling over to her closet.

She was stemming through the endless row of shirts when she heard a knock on her door.

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