2.2 Puzzle Pieces

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Lennon woke to the light shining into her face. She hadn't remembered the last time she had slept that well through the night. She sat up in her large oversized bed and stared at her new room. It still felt weird to actually have her very own room.

It was a large room in size. There were three wooden white doors that led to different rooms. The door to the right led into Lennon's bathroom.

She didn't think she would ever get used to not having to share a bathroom, and she would have to get out of the habit of hiding her personal cleaning products. No one here would steal them, they wouldn't need too.

The door to the left led into Sam's bedroom, which reminded Lennon that she wanted to her room check out before Sam returned from her fathers.

The door to the front of the room led into the hallway which of course led to everywhere else within the house. There were two large windows' that were above the bed, and the double glass doors to the right of her bed led out to the balcony.

Her room was a dark red in color, with white pinstripes for accent. The floors were a dark cherry wood.

There was a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall in the middle of the room, but Lennon hadn't watched TV in such a long time that she wouldn't know where to start.

Maybe she could start with whatever this glee show was that Spencer had talked about.

There was a large cherry oak dresser beside her bed that matched the color of the floor, along with a computer desk with a desktop computer already sitting there.

Who did they have this room set up for? Lennon thought to herself. Everything looked like something Lennon would have picked out down to the color and decorations if she had ever gotten to do such a thing.

Weird, she thought to herself. It's like they knew I was going to be here, but that's just weird, she thought as she shook the thought from her head.

She walked over to what was her closet area. You couldn't exactly call it a closet considering there were no doors to it. It was just a large opening set back from the wall that you could walk into.

Lennon looked at the articles of clothing that lined the walls of the closet; the bottom of the closet had two rows of shelves which were filled with shoes.

Lennon examined them and noticed they were all new. A puzzled look came across her face as she looked at the clothes that filled the small closet area.

She saw that the same was with the clothing. They were all new. In fact, she didn't see anything from what she had before in the closet.

All of the clothes and shoes were nicer than anything she had ever been able to afford or have bought for her from foster families, but like the room design, they also where everything that she herself would like to wear.

She picked a nice sun dress that was peach and yellow and some light brown sandals. After showering and pulling her long blonde hair back in a bun she headed downstairs to find where everyone was at.

She got to the bottom of the stairway when she heard voices coming from the kitchen. She stopped on the stairway and listened to what was being said.

She could hear Spencer, Momma Fitz, and Sam's voices, they seemed to be arguing.

"What in the Gods did you think you were doing? You should have come and gotten me," Ms. Fitz spoke sternly.

"I didn't have time to think, only act. You would have done the same thing in my shoes! Why didn't you see this coming? You saw everything else," Sam's voice replied with hesitation.

"You of all people know the sight don't work like that Samantha Ann," Ms. Fitz said in a heated way. Lennon could tell she was getting upset. Why did she call her Samantha Ann? I bet that was her real name and Sam was just a nickname she thought to herself.

"Slow your roll mom. I mean she did save her life and all, but don't start getting a big head or anything Sammie," Spencer spoke up.

Lennon smiled; she could tell Spencer was rolling her eyes, even if she couldn't see her. She was getting so used to being around her that she could sense the sarcasticness in her voice.

"We have company," Sam spoke. Spencer came around the corner of the kitchen entrance and met Lennon with a smile.

"Good morning sunshine!" she said with excitement. "Come have some breakfast honey," Ms. Fitz spoke up from the kitchen.

Spencer and she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the pub style kitchen table that sat right in the middle of the room. She could smell pancakes and syrup, which were her favorite.

"We made your favorite," Spencer said as if reading her mind while sitting a glass of Orange juice in front of Lennon plate. "How did you know that's my favorite?" Lennon asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Ms. Fitz shot a warning glance in Spencer's direction. "You said so at the grocery store yesterday," Spencer replied quickly shooting Lennon a guilty smile. "I don't remember..." she started to respond, but Ms. Fitz interrupted her before she could finish her statement. "How did you sleep? Did you like the room set up?"

"It was great, I mean everything in the room seemed like it was all picked out for me. It's weird, how did you get everything done so fast?" Lennon asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"We had most of it just lying around." Ms. Fitz said without looking up from her cooking. "Well thank you, everything is perfect. Where is Sam? I thought I heard her voice," Lennon asked.

"Hurry and finish your breakfast," Ms. Fitz said placing the plate or tower to say of pancakes in front of her.

And why was Sam avoiding her? She sat the rest of her time at the table in silence, trying to put together the puzzle pieces of her new life.

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