3.0 Training: Betrayal

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It started with a tingling in her chest, the feeling that you get when your arms or legs fall asleep.

The feeling moved through her veins, making her feel dizzy. Her arms felt weightless as the tingling reached her arms, creeping to the tips of her fingers.

She felt her skin start to burn as heat seemed to flow from the tips of her fingers.

"What the..." Spencer said while ducking down as fire flew towards her. She ducked just in time and the flames swallowed a tree that stood a few feet behind her.

"Stop Lennon! Holy shit, just stop!" Sam screamed but didn't dare to touch her.

If a Warjile touched another one of its kind during their cast of energy then that person would have a clash between their energies; Just like when Lennon touched Ms. Fitz when she was having a vision.

Lennon's eyes flew open; she saw the flames streaming from her fingertips. Her mouth dropped open. "How do I stop it!?" Lennon screamed.

Sam looked with confusion at Lennon, "it, it should have stopped."

Lennon squeezed her eyes shut. She tried to think of something else, something cool like ice; her skin was burning with heat.

Suddenly a cool breeze rushed through the field, the fire coming from Lennon's fingers suddenly turned into a white mist.

The cold air hit the tree, forming around the tree trunk a layer of ice.

"Whoa," Spencer said looking at the tree. Lennon felt herself grow tired suddenly.

Her arms and legs started to feel weak. As suddenly as it had started, it stopped. Lennon wobbled a little and Sam put her hand out to steady her.

"Wha, what... Wow! What just happened?" Spencer squealed with excitement and amazement. She got up off the ground and ran over to Lennon and Sam.

Sam stood beside Lennon, her mouth open as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words.

Momma Fitz had trained them both around the age of ten, the ways of Warjile control, but never in their life had they ever seen energy like this.

Spencer and Sam developed their skills both at a young age.

Their father, who had been human, had no idea about the secrets his wife had kept from him for twenty years. Shortly after they developed their skills, their father and mother separated.

They went to spend some time with him during the summer, but he was scared of how different his children and he were.

They could control almost anything around them. Water, earth, the wind, rain, snow and for those that had exceptional energy, fire.

But never did they see or know of a Warjile who could produce matter through the energy they channeled.

Kirhsten sat on the field looking as equally in shock as the other girls. "That was definitely a wow factor." She said shocked and in awe at what she too had just witnessed.

"Did I do it wrong?" Lennon asked.

"I, I don't even know, to be honest," Sam said.

"I mean it's just I have never even heard of someone like us forming matter from energy. It's a first," Sam said bringing her hands to her head.

Kirhsten got up from the ground where she was sitting and walked over to the girls.

"Wait. You don't think? Do you?" Spencer said narrowing her brow, then looking at Sam in a way as if a lightbulb had gone off in her head.

"No," She said. Sam looked back at Spencer, "there's no way." Sam and Spencer both looked at each other then looked at Lennon.

"Do you think she's pure? I mean it could happen, right?" Spencer asked.

"I mean, it's possible. That would explain a lot," Sam said.

"Will you guys stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Lennon said crossing her arms.

"How can you not know what we're talking about? It's like you've been living under a rock your entire life!" Spencer screamed her hands out like she was trying to give someone a bear hug.

"A pure Warjile. Wow, I've never seen one. But I mean mom had said there are some out there," Sam said.

"I still don't get this whole war whatever stuff," Lennon said.

"English bitch, English!" Kirhsten said looking at Lennon as if she were a parent scolding a child. Spencer looked at Kirhsten, she had a pissed off look on her face.

"What is your problem? Why are you being so rude to Lennon? This is all new and overwhelming to her! You haven't seen or talked to us in two weeks, now you just show up and think everything is cool? And how did you even know we were here?" Spencer was getting louder the more she said.

Sam laid a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Chill out." She instructed Spencer.

"No. You're not going say anything, so I will. I saw her being all buddy-buddy with Jenny. Not to mention I'm getting a weird feeling about her." Spencer screamed looking Kirhsten up and down.

Kirhsten seemed taken back by the questions and accusations.

"What are you, a mood ring? Funny feeling?!? You know how my mom gets. And you guys haven't called to talk to me either since she moved in. And yes I spoke to Jenny. At least she wanted to socialize with me. You guys don't like anyone normal. That's your whole problem with her. I'm normal; do you not like me either?" Kirhsten had her hands in fists at her sides, her face red with anger.

"What are you talking about? You're my best friend. I don't understand what's going on with you two," Sam said stepping between them.

"You know what? I don't have time for this bullshit. I'm out. It's time I stopped hanging with you freaks anyway," Kirhsten said.

The three girls stood in shock as Kirhsten walked off into the woods, not understanding what had happened.

"Let's head home, we have a lot of questions for mom," Sam said looking down at the ground.

Lennon put her hand on Sam's shoulder; she knew what it was like to have people leave their lives suddenly without knowing why.

Sam looked Lennon in the eyes, her face softened. Lennon had a flash of recognition in her mind like she knew what Sam had been thinking.

BETRAYED was all that she could hear. Over and over in her head.

It was starting to really sink in that she was different, just like she always somehow knew. And for once, she was okay with that.

They headed out from the woods and back home, goofing off and playing around as they walked.

From another part of the woods, three girls also exited out into the open.

They stood back, not wanting anyone to notice.

"Are you sure she said she was pure? I mean absolutely positive?" Jenny asked stepping forward.

"We can't have any misunderstanding," Hartley added standing beside her.

"Oh I'm positive," Kirhsten said, stepping out from behind the other two girls.

"This is going to change everything," she said crossing her arms and watching the three girls walk off towards their happy lives.


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