Opposites Attract (31)

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Hope this chapter is good, i personlly think it's one of my best ones, storyline wise but i'll leave you to decide :)

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

We have 4 days until we leave for Barbados and Serena couldn’t be happier, she’s been talking about it non-stop,


I looked up “I’m sorry miss, what was you saying?”

“Too busy thinking about your girlfriend?”

The class laughed, including Serena “Well it’s not my fault she’s gorgeous”

“Sorry Gabe, I’ll try and tone down my beauty next time”

I laughed “Please do”

I looked back at miss to see her smiling at the two of us,

“Okay so Gabriel, I was asking you to answer question 5”

“What is question 5?”

“If you were listening you would know” I laughed “But question 5 says, if you were in a situation that requires you to choose between love or death, which one would you choose?”

“It depends on the situation”

“Okay, let’s say that your girlfriend was kidnapped and they said that the only way to save her was to die, what would you do?”

“I’d die”

The class looked at me shocked “Really?”

I nodded “Sorry to put you on the spot Serena”

She smiled “It’s fine”

“But yeah, if it came to saving Serena, I would do it in an instant, I love her enough to do anything for her, even if it means dying for her”

“You’ve read Romeo and Juliet have you not?”

I shook my head “I haven’t read it, I’ve watched it”

“Same difference” I laughed “But anyways, we all know what happened at the end don’t we?” Everyone agreed “That happened because they both loved each other enough to do it, but what about you Serena, would you do the same for Gabriel?”

She nodded “Of course I would, no doubt about it”

I smiled at her and she smiled back. I took her hand in mine and she firmly held onto it,

“I for one, would never die for my partner”

I turned around to see who had said that and it was Jordan, sometimes I even forget his in this class,

“Why is that Jordan?”

“Because I just wouldn’t take my own life just because of her”

This should be a good argument “Well Jordan” I said his name with such hatred “You wouldn’t know anything about loving someone would you?”

“What has that got to do with anything?”

“You’ve never loved someone so you can’t say anything about how you wouldn’t die for your partner because when you love someone, you’ll put them before yourself”

“So you’re telling me that you would die for Serena?”

“Of course I would because I love her, you know shit”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now