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Chat invite sent to Asheikei.
Invite ignored.

Message to Asheikei:
Can you stop? You're being stupid.

Message from Asheikei:
Yea I'm being stupid

Message to Asheikei:
Is it possible for you to not be sarcastic and passive aggressive every second of your life?

Message from Asheikei:

Message to Asheikei:

Message from Asheikei:
We'll talk tomorrow. 5sos started playing and I gotta zayn.

Message to Asheikei:
Well. If that isn't a mood change then idk what is.

Message from Asheikei:
Tomorrow young child, tomorrow.

Asheikei is offline.

A/N fun fact: if you didn't know, asheikei is pronounced
you're welcome.
also, yo.

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