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The next morning, Sienna woke up in her dark room. It was too early to get up so she remained silent and took her old-fashioned phone from the table next to her bed. She clicked at one of the buttons and the tiny screen lighted up.
It was 05:13.
Sienna sighed and closed her eyes, turned around and faced the wall.
Waiting for the morning took a long time, but when it finally was 7 o'clock, she stepped out of her bed with a sad face. She faced herself in the mirror at her closet and saw her tangled, curly brown hair. Her freckles lighted up in her pale face, but her blue eyes were dark and didn't stand out at all. She remembered when she still was in 1st grade, and Hannah was her best friend. Life was good, better than good actually, and they played together every day. But when Hannah moved to Adelaide and left Sydney, Sienna's world changed completely and the bully's awakened. It all started with Catja who started teasing her because of her yellow backpack. Then she continued with thousands of reasons, which bombed Sienna's self esteem, life and insecurity and got it down to 0.

Sienna closed the closet and put her clothes on - a white tank top and black jeans. It' was going to be hot today and the sun would shine, what meant that school would be hot and humid.

Arriving at school,  Sienna quickly walked to the building and put her little jacket in the wardrobe. When she turned around, she faced Ian and Rob. Catja wasn't there.
"Hey piggy! How are you today? Looks like you're a dare devil today, only wearing this little tank top."
"Wanting to look sexy before attending class, piggy? Don't think a boy will spot you though."
"Yes, with those arms and that triple chin you won't have a chance."
Sienna felt that the tears started to form and wanting to walk away, but someone grabbed her backpack what meant that she couldn't escape. She got dragged back into a darker corner of the wardrobe and the two boys pinned her against the walls in the corner. Ian put his hands in front of her eyes and Rob took her hands, which meant moving would be very difficult. Sienna wasn't strong either, so she didn't have a chance.
She was scared, but she heard someone fidget with a bag. It's wasn't her bag though.
"Let me go!" She whispered and the tears formed.
Abruptly the boys started laughing and a girl joined them - Catja.
"Okay, piggy, your haircut is so bad so I'll help you a bit!" She whined and continued laughing.
Suddenly, Sienna felt something in her hair and heard a cut.
"No!" She yelled and stepped forward, what caused Rob and Ian to lose grip and she could see again. But her curl was gone. A part of her hair laid on the ground - a part meant about 1 foot - and a scissor was next to it. Her hair!
"What have you done?!" Sienna cried and looked at the three bullies which were laughing in her face. They pushed her back into the corner and wanted to continue, which meant that her eyes were covered again, and her hands were hold tight.
They became silent and Sienna felt Catja's hand come closer with the scissor and just before Sienna heard the scissor cut again, the hands got removed and Sienna faced a boy with curls and thee three bullies who stood next to her.
"What are you doing?" He asked. He sounded kind of angry.
"Nothing," the bullies replied.
"Owh, I see."
Sienna remained silent, looking scared.
But the boy seemed nice. He saved her.

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