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The following weeks, Sienna and Ashton cycled together every day if possible. Sienna enjoyed the short rides a lot, talking about different things together with him.
Even though they only saw each other in the music room at the end of the day and at the bike trips, he felt like the first friend she had had in years. And although he was 18 and nearly done with his exams, their chats were deep as well. Sienna didn't know where he lived and what he did in his spare time besides drumming, but she didn't bother either.
In the weekends, she used to go for walks in the forests - hoping she wouldn't meet one of the bullies - and wrote lots of songs and poems at her bed. Her parents still didn't know about the bullying and the bullies at all.

Outside school, everything went better. However, at school, she felt more miserable every day. The two girls Catja and Car followed her every day, talking about how bad she was for Ashton and that she simply couldn't fall in love with him because she was too fat, ugly and "not-special". She hated them more than anyone else in the world, but her shyness was a big struggle what caused her to feel all the worlds which came inside. Just like this Tuesday.

"So piggy, how are you and Ashton doing?"
Sienna turned around on her bike and stopped. Why did they follow her and how did they know his name?
"How.. How did  you figure out his name?" She asked.
"Hah, of course we know his name. He's a hunk, we know all the hunks names. Targets, you know," Car said with a mean wink.
"Still don't get why he cycles with her." Catja said.
"Oh, probably because he feels sorry for her. Who wouldn't feel sorry about this little grey mouse, this little dirtbag?" Car said. Suddenly, she dragged Sienna from her bike and Catja immediately helped by lifting her feet.
Sienna was so weak because of her weight loss she had had the last couple of weeks that escaping was no option.
"Jeez piggy, you're still as heavy as a pig," Catja spat.
"Owh yes she is."
"Let me go, please," Sienna begged. The panic got more and more and Ashton still was at school, which meant that he couldn't help her at all.
"Look Car, there's a pond there," Catja said and she pointed with her head in a direction behind Sienna, who still got dragged with the two girls.
"You know piggy, when you feel bad, there are two options - you can feel even worse by thinking about it or you can drink it away. Let's try that for once."
Now Sienna really started panicking. What were they going to do?
Car and Catja threw Sienna at the ground next to the pond. There was no one in the surroundings at all, which meant that Sienna had to defend herself as well as possible.
"Open your mouth," Car ordered.
"Now." Catja added and she pulled a bottle with some white liquid out of her handbag.
Sienna refused.
"Open your mouth, you bitch," Car said and she kicked Sienna in her leg. The kick was so hard that Sienna started crying. Trying to hold the tears back, she crawled back. She didn't come far, because her back collided with a tree.
"You're stuck, piggy." Car said laughing.
They both kneeled next to Sienna and whilst Car held her head, Catja opened the bottle and whilst holding the bottle with one hand, she poured the bitter smelling liquid into Sienna's mouth.
Sienna tried to shake her head and waking up from this bad dream, but it didn't help. She was awake already.
"Gurgl... Please!" She begged.
"Never, piggy, never!" Car said laughing.
"Come on Car," Catja said. "Hurry up, it's going to rain soon."
"Swallow, you pig," Car said and she kicked Sienna in her stomach. This caused her to nearly vomit.
The liquid was very bitter and stunk as hell, but she had no choice. Swallowing one swig after another, she felt miserable and gruesome.
"Gurgl, please! Please stop, I.. Gurgl! Beg you!" Sienna said with tears in her eyes.
"How often do I have to say this? Never!" Car yelled and put the bottle upside down, which caused all the liquid to pour down into Sienna's throat. To prevent to get everything on her face, Sienna swallowed all the disgusting liquid and soon felt dizzy as hell.
When the bottle was empty, the girls kicked her once again and turned around.
"See you later, piggy!" They called at the same time and walked away, leaving Sienna alone at the pond. She suddenly blacked out totally and everything disappeared.

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